Maharishi Valmiki Biography – Biography of Maharishi Valmiki from Dasyu Ratnakar to the adikavi

Adikavi Maharishi Valmiki Biography, like Mahabharata, Ramayana is another epic poem of India. The Mahabharata contains principles for a wide range of activities outside of family life. And Ramayana has ideals of family life. Maharishi Valmiki is the creator and adikavi of the Hindu epic Ramayana. Not much information is known about Valmiki’s date of birth but it is said that he was born on Sharad Purnima Tithi in the month of Ashmin to a Brahmin family.

Maharishi Valmiki’s father’s name was Pracheta but no information is available about his mother’s name.

Maharshi Valmiki Brief Information

NameMaharishi Valmiki
Original NameRatnakar
Father NamePracheta
BirthdaySharad Purnima Tithi of the month of Ashwin
HonorsAdi Kavi, Maharishi
ProfessionRobber, Epic poet
Notable workRamayana

Who was Maharishi Valmiki?

Maharishi Valmiki was a bandit. In his childhood he was known as Ratnakar. Maharishi Valmiki wrote the Ramayana. In the life story of Valmiki we see how a bandit becomes Maharishi Mahamuni.

Early life of Valmiki

A story of Valmiki’s early life is found in Uttarkanda. Maharishi Valmiki is the author of epic Ramayana. He is the protagonist and one of the characters of this epic. Valmiki’s life story is very amazing. In human life there is good – bad, fault – quality, good – bad. Valmiki’s life can be the only example of how good intentions can bring radical changes in people’s lives.

Maharishi Valmiki is the living proof of how a bandit can transform into a sage.

Childhood of Maharishi Valmiki

Valmiki Dasyu was known as Ratnakar in his childhood. Later he was recognized as a great sage.

In ancient times there was a Brahmin who was devoted to Devdvije. Her name is Sumati. His only son is Ratnakar.

Although belonging to a Brahmin family, Ratnakar had no devotion to Devdvi. Ratnakar did not perform the daily activities of Brahmins such as reading scriptures regularly, performing rituals etc. He was a very disobedient child of his parents. All the work and responsibilities of the family had to be performed by his father.

Once the Brahmin Sumati lived with his family, there was a terrible famine. Keeping up the family became very difficult for Sumati. He was forced to leave the house with all his family to stay in another place.

After traveling to different parts of the country, they finally got tired and reached a deep forest. There they built a cottage and started living there. This is how Sumati’s new life began.

Why did Ratnakar choose banditry to run his family?

There was no educational contact with Ratnakar since childhood. As a result, it became difficult for him to run the family. Ratnakar chose banditry without seeing any other option.

There was a path for travelers to travel through the forest where they lived. Ratnakar used to hide behind the trees along that path all day. If any passerby came that way, he would pounce on him and kill him.

This is how Ratnakar’s life went on. Ratnakar transformed into bandit Ratnakar. The bandit used to pay the debt of the family. Bandit Ratnakar’s activities went on like this for many years. The story of his terrible banditry spread in different parts of different countries.

The story of Dasyu Ratnakar becoming the adikavi Maharishi Valmiki:

This news also reached Debala. The desire of God is to transform this terrible ideal into a great ideal. So on his orders, two sages made a pilgrimage through that forest in disguise.

Dasyu Ratnakar was hiding behind the tree as usual. When he saw those two people, he shouted and blocked their way.

Bandit Ratnakar took a look at them and said, “Take out the wealth you have with you immediately.” Then I will kill you. Before that complete the work of prayer to God. Whoever met Ratnakar on this road once did not have to return with his life.

Among those two sages, sage Atri Ratnakar said to the bandit, “Shen bandit, you must hear two words from me before killing us.” Look, we are pilgrims. We have very little wealth. For this little wealth you will bear the sin of killing a sage. Why?

Ratnakar said contemptuously, “Look, I am not afraid of sin.” The reason is that I support my family by doing this profession. I don’t just work for myself.

Sage Atri said, then for whom have you chosen this path? The bandit said, I support my parents, wife and son with the wealth I loot by killing passers-by. Therefore they will surely bear the responsibility of this sin.

Sage Atri said, you are wrong. You have to bear the responsibility of this sin alone. No other member of your family will bear the responsibility of this sin.

When the bandit protested, Rishi Atri said, “Okay, you tie us two to a tree and go home and ask your father – mother and wife – son that they will accept to bear the burden of your sin?”

Bandit Ratnakar fell into great trouble. Although a bandit, he is the son of a Brahmin. So by birth the thought of own karma and the fear of sin was beating in his mind. He fell into deep thought. Then he tied those two sages to a tree and ran to his house.

First he went to his father and asked, “Father, I am providing for you by banditry.” So you will take responsibility for the sin that is happening to me for banditry?

Hearing his son’s words, the old father said, “Look son, it is the duty of every son to support his old parents.” It is not a sin to accept service from you as my son. But I cannot accept any responsibility for the sins you have accumulated by banditry. Hearing his father’s words, Ratnakar went to his wife in a sad heart. His wife and his father agreed. Then Ratnakar said the same thing to mother and son. They also show that none of them can bear the responsibility of his sin.

Dasyu Ratnakar’s insight gains:

Dasyu Ratnakar got insight. He correctly understood that he is completely alone in this world. The sin he has committed for the sake of the family by risking his life day after day is his sole responsibility. No one came forward to help him.

Dasyu Ratnakar quickly left the house. He went back to the forest where the two sages are tied to the tree. He untied the two sages and fell at the feet of sage Atri. And in a bitter voice he asked to be told the way to get rid of sins.

Sage Atri comforted him and said, You can be free from sin only by chanting the holy name of Rama. He left by advising Ratnakar to chant the name of Ram.

Now Ratnakar received Ramnam Mahamantra from sage Atri. He sat down to chant the Mahamantra of Rama’s name. His mind has become restless. His only concern is how to purify himself.

Maharshi Valmiki Chant Ramanam Mahamantra in one way:

Sitting under a tree, he chanted Ram Naam Mahamantra day after day, month after month, year after year, forgetting hunger and thirst, chanting Ram Naam Mahamantra with one mind. While chanting in this way, various weeds grew around him. His whole body was covered with Valmika or Vipaeka. She was named Valmiki because her body covered Valmiki.

By chanting the Rama-name Mahamantra, he gained self-knowledge and became a Maharishi. Like Valmik, the brutality of his banditry fell into the storm.

Maharishi Valmiki established an ashram on the banks of Tamsa river. The natural environment is beautiful. Now he is an ashram resident. Bharadwaj Muni accepted his discipleship.

One day Devarshi Narada came to Valmiki’s ashram to preach. Valmiki said to him, O Rishivar, you know all the news of Tribhuvan. Please tell me, who is the virtuous, religious, truthful, virile ideal man in the world? Tell me his name and identity in detail.

Devarshi Narada said, O Mahamuni, such a great man as you are asking about is very rare. Only Rama, son of Dasaratha, king of Ayedhya of the Ikshaku dynasty, is now living on earth. I am telling you his story.

After the death of King Dasharatha, Rama became the king. He was a contemporary of Valmiki. In the south of Ayedhya, there is a huge forest in the two rivers of the river Ganga. The river Tamsa flows through the middle of that forest.

Devarshi Narada went to bathe in the river Valmikitamsa after taking leave. Bharadwaj, a disciple of the Guru, went with him. Valmiki’s mind and soul are filled only with the words of Rama.

While they were going towards the river through the dense forest, a pair of crouch (heron) were happily busy in the branches of the tree.

From behind the forest, a disturbance saw the crouch. He shot the arrow and killed the crouch. He fell on the ground in great pain and began to cry. Kraunchi started screaming in agony seeing this pitiful scene.

Seeing this sad scene, Valmiki was filled with anger as well as compassion. At that moment a rhyming poem came out from the depths of his heart in the agony of a black crouch:

” Maa Nishad ! Pratishang twamogomoo shashwati samaa ।
Yaat krounchomithunadekomabadhii kammohito ।।”

That is, O Nishad (disorder), you will be condemned forever in the society for the heinous act you have done during the Gemini of Kraunch.

Valmiki himself was surprised to hear this verse of his. How he recited this rhyming poem. He said to the disciple Bharadwaj, “Sen Bharadwaj, the rhymed poetry recited by my mouth, has originated from Shaka.” So it will be known in the world as Shloka.

The rhymed poem recited from the mouth of Mahamuni Valmiki is Ajshloka. Valmiki is called the adikavi as all the events of Rama were narrated through this verse.

Prajapati Brahma appeared there while discussing with disciple Bharadwaja. He said to Valmiki, O Mahamuni, the verses which you have recited have been completed by my will. You have heard everything about Rama from Devarshi Narada. I want you to compose it in verse.

Valmiki’s epic Ramayana composition:

On the orders of Prajapati Brahma, Mahamuni Valmiki then wrote the epic Ramayana. In this epic, about twenty four thousand verses have been recorded in Anushtup rhythm. That story is known as Ramayana.

When is Valmiki Jayanti celebrated:

Valmiki was born on the full moon of the month of Ashwin, a day called Valmiki Jayanti in the Hindu calendar.

Valmiki Jayanti celebrated
Valmiki Jayanti celebrated

Importance of Valmiki Jayanti:

Valmiki was the adikavi. Considered to be the originator of Shroka, he composed the first verse in Sanskrit. This birthday is also known as public day.

How is Valmiki Jayanthi celebrated?

Valmiki Jayanti is celebrated in India. Its importance is especially in North India.

  • Various kinds of religious events are organized.
  • Arranging the procession
  • Sweets, fruits, utensils are distributed.

The wisdom of Valmiki’s life is given to everyone so that after taking inspiration from it, man gives up bad karma and concentrates his mind on this work.

Unknown facts about Maharishi Valmiki

  • The Ramayana written by Maharishi Valmiki was entirely in Sanskrit. And it was not written in the form of a story, it was completely written in the form of a poem.
  • “Ramayana” written by Valmiki is the world’s first written Sanskrit poem, which is also known as Adikavya (First Poem).
  • Maharshi Valmiki is called Adi Kavi (First Poet).
  • The Sanskrit name of “Valmika” in Bengali means mound of dung. Dasyu Ratnakar, courtesy of Maharishi Naradamuni, got the name “Valmiki” from this name “Valmika”.
  • Maharishi Valmiki and Lord Rama were born at the same time. And according to Hindu mythology that age was known as “Treta Yuga”.

Maharishi Valmiki Related Queries (FAQs):

When was Maharishi Valmiki born?

Valmiki was born on the full moon of the month of Ashwin.

What name was Valmiki known as a child?

The bandit was known as Ratnakar.

Who wrote the Ramayana?

Maharishi Valmiki wrote the Ramayana.

Why was Ratnakar’s name Valmiki?

He was named Valmiki because his body was covered by Valmiki.

Maharishi Valmiki Ashram was established on the bank of which river?

Maharishi Valmiki established an ashram on the banks of the river Tamsa.

On whose orders Mahamuni Valmiki composed the epic Ramayana?

Mahamuni Valmiki wrote the epic Ramayana at the behest of Prajapati Brahma.

How many verses are there in the epic Ramayana?

The epic Ramayana contains about twenty four thousand verses.

When is Valmiki Jayanthi celebrated?

Valmiki was born on the full moon of the month of Ashwin, a day called Valmiki Jayanti in the Hindu calendar.

What was Valmiki’s father’s name?

Valmiki was born as Agni Sharma to a Brahmin named Pracheta (also known as Sumali) of Bhrigu gotra.

In which section is a story of Valmiki’s early life found?

An account of Valmiki’s early life is found in the Uttarkanda.

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