Michael Madhusudan Dutt Biography | Michael Madhusudan Dutt Life Story

Michael Madhusudan Dutt Biography: Michael Madhusudan Dutt appeared in Bengali literature during the renaissance period of the nineteenth century with the vigor and vigor of the New Life Mantra. Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s life story was as varied and wonderful as his colorful literature.

Who was Michael Madhusudan Dutt?

Michael Madhusudan Dutt is one of the greatest Bengali poets, playwrights and farce writers of the 19th century. Madhusudan Dutt is regarded as one of the pioneers of Bengali renaissance literature. He is also known as the first rebel poet of modern Bengali literature hence he is called Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Damal son of Banga Bharati.

Brief Biography of Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Damal Son of Bengal Bharati

NameMichael Madhusudan Dutt
Birthday25 January 1824
BirthPlaceSagardari village of Jessore district
PseudonymTimothy Penpoem
Father and MotherRajnarayan Dutt (Father)
Jahnavi Devi (Mother)
SpouseHenrietta Sophia White
CareerPoet, Dramatist
Literary movementBengal Renaissance
Death29th June 1873
Place of DeathAlipore, in a hospital in Kolkata

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Birthday

Michael Madhusudan Dutt was born on 25th January 1824 in Sagardari village of Jessore district.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Genealogy:

Michael Madhusudan’s father Rajnarayan Dutt was an eminent lawyer. Madhusudan’s mother Janhvidevi was an educated woman. Madhusudan studied with his mother until he was about seven years old.

Education of Michael Madhusudan Dutt:

Michael Madhusudan Dutt came to Calcutta at the age of seven. He studied in Khidirpur school for the first two years after coming here. In 1833 he was admitted to Hindu College. Madhusudan was a very talented student. He got scholarship every year in school examination.

In this college he got Bhudev Mukherjee, Rajnarayan Bose, Gaurdas Basak, Bhalanath Chandra etc. as classmates. Later they all became famous in their respective fields.

Personal Life of Michael Madhusudan Dutt:

The influence of Hindu college education on Madhusudan’s personal character was very profound. On the one hand, as he gained faith in mantras and a deep love of English literature; Similarly, disrespect for native customs and ideas was transmitted in his mind. Madhusudan won a gold medal in an essay competition while in college. From that time Madhusudan used to write poems in English. These poems were published in English newspapers of that time. As a child, Madhusudan used to listen to Ramayana from his mother. Since then, Madhusudan had a great interest in the melody and rhythm of poetry.

The time when Madhusudan was studying in college was the era of English education in our country. Many English-educated youths of this era thought that the English language, English manners, and English religion were the best. Madhusudan also used to write poetry in English, he wanted to be an Englishman with all his heart. Madhusudan converted to Christianity on February 9, 1843 at the age of nineteen. Then his name was Michael Madhusudan Dutt.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Marriage :

Michael Madhusudan Dutt married a French woman, Henrietta, and wrote many English poems and poems. He wrote sonnets, lyric poems and short poems under the pseudonym Timothy Penpoem. Two long poems called The Visions of the past and The Captive Lady were first published together in a book from Madras in 1849. But could not gain fame. Finally Madhusudan returned to Calcutta. He came to Calcutta and wrote many plays, poems and poems in Bengali. Meghnadvadh Kavya is the best among them.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Linguistic Skills:

Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a polyglot. As a child, language learning began with his Persian language lessons from the village toll. Apart from English, he could speak Latin, Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Telugu, Tamil etc. with ease. He could even write poetry in Persian and Italian. Apart from his mother tongue, he knew twelve other languages.

Meghnadvadh Kavya by Michael Madhusudan Dutt:

Madhusudan Dutt’s greatest achievement is the Meghnadavadh Kavya, an epic based on the Ramayana epic in Amitrakshara rhyme. Characters are: Ravana, Indrajit, Sita, Sarma, Pramila etc. He divides his poetry into eight sargas and also gathers in it city, forest, sub-forest, rock, sea, dawn, dusk, war, mantrana etc. according to Sanskrit rhetoric. But he did not use new rhymes in the sarganta, he did not introduce the next sargakatha at the end of the sarganta. Although he said,

“Ghaib Ma Birrase Bhasi Mahageet”

Yet in poetry Karuna Rasa has won. The Meghnadvadh Kavya is not a retelling of the Ramayana-inspired story—it is a beautiful lyrical poem in the form of a pathetic epic of a reawakened Bengali’s sense of fate-stricken neohumanism. Meghnadvadh Kavya is a unique creation in Bengali poetry literature.

In Bengali literature, the creation of non-literal rhythm is also a sudden event. Raja Jatindramahan Tagore said that no Amitrakshara rhymes were composed in advanced languages ​​like French. So it is not possible to express the seriousness of Amitrakshar in simple language like Bengali language. Incidentally, he also mentioned Gupta Kabir’s satire

“Poetry orange banana ripe like crying
I want to eat as much as I can.”

Madhusudan replied that this was not the only reason, since the old Iswargupta could not compose the Amitrakshara, no one else could.

The poet wrote “Tilaettamasambhava Kavya” in Amitrakshar rhythm entirely because of his faith, self-confidence, inflexible determination and understanding of the mystery of Amitrakshar rhythm. This is a landmark event in the history of Bengali literature. “Tilottamasambhava Kavya” – the experiment of non-literal rhythms resulted in Madhu Kabir’s immortal poem ‘Meghnad Badh Kavye’. By choosing unknown words from the Bengali vocabulary, he used them so beautifully in this poem that the confluence of Karuna and Birras’s Ganga-Yamuna became a pilgrimage. In this poem, the poet did not draw Ravana and Meghnad as demons. He has painted everyone as a human being, in the form of fate. They have our sympathy. The new Ramayana of the nineteenth century was created.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt Life Story

After that the poet created ‘Brajanganakavya‘, ‘Birangana Kavya‘ and ‘Chatudarsha Padi Kavitavali‘. But despite creating so much, the poet could not get fame or success as expected. Income from book sales, court jobs and ancestral property could not satisfy extravagant Madhusudan’s financial needs. He did not get much peace in his personal life. The sad story of this failure has been written by him in the poem ‘self lamentation’.

Literary works of Michael Madhusudan Dutt:

Poetry by Michael Madhusudan Dutt –

  • Tilottamasambhava Kavya, 1863
  • The Captive Lady, 1849
  • Brajangana Kavya, 1861

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Epic –

  • Meghnadvadh Kavya, 1861

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Sonnets –

  • Chaturdashpadi Kavitabali, 1865

Michael Madhusudan Dutt PatraKavya

  • Birangana kabya, 1862

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Drama –

  • Sharmistha 1859 Bengali literature’s first meaningful play.
  • Krishna Kumari, 1861
  • Padmavati, 1860
  • Mayakanan

Comedy by Michael Madhusudan Dutt –

  • Buro Saliker ghare row, 1860
  • ekei ki bole sabhyata, 1860

Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Afterlife:

1873 AD : 29th June Poet’s Life – Wife Henrietta dies. The poet was deeply devastated by Henrietta’s death. He also breathed his last in the hospital three days later. That day is Sunday 29th June 1873 AD. Kavi Madhusudan, the noble son of Banga Bharti, passed away as a destitute beggar in a hospital in Alipore, Calcutta. Kabibandhu Navin Sen’s lamentation in this context is memorable-

The body of the poet was buried at the Lower Circular Road Cemetery in Kolkata. A poem written by the poet himself was engraved on the monument at his grave.

Poet Madhusudan is no more in this world. But the new age that he created, with which Arunodaya rose in the Bengali literary world with the rosy glow, is still dimmed through his poetry. The name of poet Madhusudan will forever be written in golden letters in the Bengali heart temple.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt Related Queries (FAQs):

When and where was Michael Madhusudan Dutt born?

Madhusudan was born on 25th January 1824 in Sagardari village of Jessore district.

What is the pseudonym of Michael Madhusudan Dutt?

Timothy Penpoem

What is Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s greatest achievement?

Madhusudan Dutt’s greatest achievement – The epic poem called Meghnadvadh Kavya is based on Ramayana epic in Amitrakshara rhythm.

What is Michael Madhusudan’s father’s name and what was he?

Michael Madhusudan’s father’s name is Rajnarayan Dutt. He was an eminent lawyer.

What is Michael Madhusudan’s mother’s name and what was she?

Madhusudan’s mother is Jahnavidevi. She was an educated woman

How is the name of Madhusudan Michael Madhusudan Dutt?

Madhusudan converted to Christianity on February 9, 1843 at the age of nineteen. Then his name was Michael Madhusudan Dutt.

What was the name of Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s wife?

Henrietta Sophia White She was a French woman.

Who is Meghnadabadh Kavya characters?

Characters: Ravana, Indrajit, Sita, Sarma, Pramila etc.

He has divided Meghnadvadh Kavya into how many heavens?

Divided into eight heavens.

What is the name of the first meaningful Drama in Bengali literature?

Sharmishtha is the name of the first meaningful drama of Bengali literature.

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