American History Part-I Quick Study Episode- 17

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1. America was recognize as a country in

a. 1776
b. 1777
c. 1778
d. 1779
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b. 1777

2. Which battle was the turning point of American revoulation?

a. Battle of Saratoga
b. Battle of Quebee
c. Battle of Bercis Heights
d. Battle of Alamo
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a. Battle of Saratoga

3. The role played by the colonies in the war encourage them to raise in arms against

a. France
b. England
c. America
d. Spain
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b. England

4. Who among the following was the father of the constitution

a. James Madision
b. Patrick Henry
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Jefferson
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d. Jefferson

5. The major issues of the two parties debated concerned the inclusion of the

a. Bill of rights
b. Slavery rights
c. Constitution rights
d. Women’s Right
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a. Bill of rights

6. The political parties began to form during the struggle over the ratification of the federal constitution of

a. 1783
b. 1785
c. 1787
d. 1788
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c. 1787

7. The fedaralist was led by secretary of state

a. Alexander Hamerton
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. F.D Roosevelt
d. David John
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a. Alexander Hamerton

8. The anti-federalist were led by secratery of state

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. James Madison
c. Alexander Hmilton
d. John Coulhon
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b. James Madison

9. The federalist era was a period in American history from

a. 1729-1802
b. 1787-1801
c. 1789-1801
d. 1801-1806
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c. 1789-1801

10. The United States Constitution was written in

a. 1777
b. 1797
c. 1787
d. 1788
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c. 1787

11. Who among the following feared strong central government

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Alexander hamiltion
c. Andrew Jackson
d. James Monroe
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a. Thomas Jefferson

12. Who among the following disaggreed with the religious reform

a. Andrew Jackson
b. Alexander Hamiltion
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. David James
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a. Andrew Jackson

13. The first continantial congress 1774 was held in

a. Ohio
b. Philadelphia
c. Texas
d. New York
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b. Philadelphia

14. Who was the architech of the American constitution

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. F.D Rossevelt
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. George Washington
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a. Thomas Jefferson

15. The numbers of colonies during the American Revoulation was

a. 12
b. 13
c. 15
d. 16
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b. 13

16. The first American political party was

a. Demoratic party
b. Federalist party
c. Republican party
d. The Whigs
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b. Federalist party

17. The federalist party control the federal government until

a. 1801
b. 1803
c. 1802
d. 1804
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a. 1801

18. The republican party was led by

a. Thomas efferson
b. Andrew Jackson
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. James manroe
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a. Thomas efferson

19. The American war was followed by the 2nd continential congress in

a. 1773
b. 1774
c. 1776
d. 1775
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d. 1775

20. The Boston tea party took place in the year

a. 1773
b. 1743
c. 1734
d. 1772
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a. 1773

21. In the war of 1812 between 13 states of the US and the Great Britian ; Britian set fire to the White House in

a. April 1813
b. August 1813
c. August 1814
d. April 1814
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d. April 1814

22. The Virgianian tobacco was regulated to be exported only to England in

a. 1605
b. 1606
c. 1607
d. 1609
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b. 1606

23. Bury my heart at wounded knee was written by

a. Dee Brown
b. Hugh Brogan
c. H.B.Parkes
d. John Williams
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a. Dee Brown

24. The War of 1812 was fought in between

a. June 1812-january 1814
b. June 1812 – january 1815
c. june 1814 – January 1816
d. June 1812- January 1818
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b. June 1812 – january 1815

25. The War of the 1812 was the

a. First war of indenpendent
b. second war of Indenpendent
c. second war of civil war
d. Indian war
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b. second war of Indenpendent

26. The President Madison signed a declaration of war against Britian on

a. June 18,1812
b. June 19,1812
c. July 20, 1812
d. August 18,1813
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a. June 18,1812

27. The Monroe doctrine was a U.S foreign policy regarding domination of the Americas in

a. 1820
b. 1823
c. 1825
d. 1828
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b. 1823

28. President James Monroe first stated the doctrine during his

a. 6th Anual congress
b. 7th Anual congress
c. 8th Anual congress
d. 2nd annual congress
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b. 7th Anual congress

29. The term ‘Monroes Doctrine’ itsef was coined in

a. 1847
b. 1850
c. 1852
d. 1853
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b. 1850

30. Who among the following was British foreign minister to the U.S during signing the Monroe Doctrine

a. John Quincey
b. Gorge Canning
c. James K.Polk
d. Robert Brown
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b. Gorge Canning

31. Christopher Colombus landed in American in the year

a. 1440
b. 1419
c. 1492
d. 1994
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c. 1492

32. George Washington belong to the state of

a. Virginia
b. Kentakey
c. New York
d. Philladelphia
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a. Virginia

33. In which year George Washington became the first American President ?

a. 1780
b. 1786
c. 1789
d. 1790
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c. 1789

34. Indenpendent Day was first established as a Holiday by congress in the year

a. 1870
b. 1871
c. 1872
d. 1873
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a. 1870

35. When did Textas become a state ?

a. 1814
b. 1843
c. 1845
d. 1846
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c. 1845

36. Who was a first President to live in the White House

a. George Washington
b. John Adams
c. Jefferson
d. Jackson
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b. John Adams

37. Which European language was first use in the U.S

a. Spanish
b. Freanch
c. English
d. Dutch
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a. Spanish

38. What is the name of the first American constitution

a. Article of Confederation
b. The Philedellphia Amendment
c. The free American Constitution
d. Unified Colorial Articles
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a. Article of Confederation

39. The Judiciary Act of 1789 specified that the supreme court shall consist of

a. 3 Judge
b. 4 Judge
c. 5 Judge
d. 6 Judge
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d. 6 Judge

40. who among the American presidents was given the nick name “Sharp Knife” by the Indian

a. Andrew Jackson
b. Madision
c. Jefferson
d. Monroe
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a. Andrew Jackson

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