Coronavirus Quick Study Episode- 05

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Table of Contents

1. What is the name given to the disease caused by coronavirus spread in Wuhan?

a. COVID-19
b. China virus
c. Corona – 19
d. None of these
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a. COVID-19

2. What is the name given by scientists to Coronavirus before Wuhan?

a. China virus
b. SARS – Cov – 2
c. COVID-19
d. None of these
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b. SARS – Cov – 2

3. Who has declared COVID-19 an epidemic?

a. WHO
b. UN
c. China
d. India
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a. WHO

4. In which state has full curfew been imposed due to corona virus?

a. Punjab
b. Haryana
c. Rajasthan
d. Kerala
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a. Punjab

5. On which day is the public curfew “Janta Curfew” imposed due to Corona virus?

a. 22 March 2020
b. 23 March 2020
c. 24 March 2020
d. 20 March 2020
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a. 22 March 2020

6. Which state became the first state to lockdown due to corona virus?

a. Rajasthan
b. Punjab
c. Uttarakhand
d. Gujarat
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a. Rajasthan

7. COVID-19 affects which part of the human body?

a. heart
b. lungs
c. Brain
d. None of these
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b. lungs

8. What is the name of the test of coronavirus (Covid – 19)

c. GFR Test
d. None of these
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9. Coronavirus has started from Wuhan in China, it is located in which province of China?

a. Hubei
b. Shanghai
c. Shenzhen
d. None of these
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a. Hubei

10. What does VI in the word COVID-19 mean?

d. 2019
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11. Which state became the first state to declare coronavirus as an epidemic?

a. Punjab
b. Rajasthan
c. Haryana
d. Chhattisgarh
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c. Haryana

12. How much aid has India announced in SAARC COVID-19 Emergency Fund?

a. 10 million dollars
b. 100 million dollars
c. 15 million dollars
d. 25 million dollars
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a. 10 million dollars

13. Social app Instagram has launched which feature to make its users aware of Corona virus?

a. Instagram TV
b. Instagram News
c. Instagram Feed
d. Instagram Go Corona
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c. Instagram Feed

14. What feature has Whatsapp launched in India to make you aware of Corona virus?

a. Whatsapp News
b. Whatsapp Go
c. Whatsapp Chatbot
d. Whatsapp Live
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c. Whatsapp Chatbot

15. What feature Facebook has launched in India to make aware of Corona virus?

a. Coronavirus information center
b. Coronavirus tips
c. Coronavirus information news
d. Coronavirus news
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a. Coronavirus information center

16. What new website has Google launched to make you aware of Corona virus?

d. None of these
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17. Which app has been launched by Punjab to make you aware of Corona virus?

a. Cova Punjab
b. Punjab feed
c. Corona free Punjab
d. None of these
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a. Cova Punjab

18. What does the structure of the corona virus look like when viewed with a microscope?

a. Crown
b. Ring
c. Fish
d. Lung
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a. Crown

19. From where coronavirus got its name?

a. Due to their crown-like projections.
b. Due to their leaf-like projections.
c. Due to their surface structure of bricks.
d. None of the above
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a. Due to their crown-like projections.

20. Corona virus is related to which disease

c. Both A & B
d. None of these
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c. Both A & B

21. When coronavirus first identified?

a. 1960
b. 1965
c. 1980
d. 2019
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a. 1960

22. What are the main symptoms of coronavirus?

a. fever
b. cough
c. Difficulty in breathing
d. all of them
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d. all of them

23. Which virus is responsible for COVID-19?

a. N1HI
b. Ebola
d. None of these
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24. What was the new name of Crona virus temporarily?

a. 2019-nCoV
c. HIV
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a. 2019-nCoV

25. In which language is the name “corona virus” originated?

a. English
b. Latin
c. Hindi
d. None of these
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b. Latin

26. What are the precautions that need to be taken to protect from the coronavirus?

a. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing.
b. Add more garlic into your diet.
c. Visit your doctor for antibiotics treatment
d. Wash your hands after every hour.
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a. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing.

27. On 11 February, 2020 WHO announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak? What is the new name of the disease?

a. COVID-19
b. COVn-19
c. COnV-20
d. COnVID-19
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a. COVID-19

28. What is Coronavirus?

a. It is a large family of viruses.
b. It belongs to the family of Nidovirus.
c. Both A and B are correct
d. Only A is correct.
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c. Both A and B are correct

29. In which age group the COVID-19 spreads?

a. COVID-19 occur in all age groups.
b. Coronavirus infection is mild in children.
c. Older person and persons with pre-existing medical conditions are at high risk to develop serious illness.
d. All the above are correct
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d. All the above are correct

30. How does Coronavirus transmit?

a. When a person sneezes or cough, droplets spread in the air or fall on the ground and nearby surfaces.
b. If another person is nearby and inhales the droplets or touches these surfaces and further touches his face, eyes or mouth, he or she can get an infection.
c. If the distance is less than 1 meter from the infected person.
d. All the above are correct.
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d. All the above are correct.

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