Indian History Part-I Quick Study Episode- 18

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1. Which among the following chronology is correct regarding four ‘samvatas’ ?

a. Gupta–Gregorian–Hizri–Saka
b. Gregorian–Saka–Hizri–Gupta
c. Saka–Gregorian–Hizri–Gupta
d. Hizri–Gupta–Gregorian–Saka
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a. Gupta–Gregorian–Hizri–Saka

2. The home of Gargi, Maitrey, and Kapila was at

a. Vidisha
b. Ujjain
c. Pataliputra
d. Mithila
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d. Mithila

3. Which area of India was known as Avantika in ancient times ?

a. Avadh
b. Ruhelkhand
c. Bundelkhand
d. Malwa
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d. Malwa

4. The Social System of the Harappans was :

a. Fairly egalitarian
b. Slave-Labour based
c. Colour (Varna) based
d. Caste based
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a. Fairly egalitarian

5. Which of the following Vedas provides information about the civilisation of the Early Vedic Age?

a. Rig-veda
b. Yajur-veda
c. Atharva-veda
d. Sama-veda
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a. Rig-veda

6. The university which became famous in the post-Gupta Era was :

a. Kanchi
b. Taxila
c. Nalanda
d. Vallabhi
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c. Nalanda

7. Banabhatta was the court poet of which emperor ?

a. Vikramaditya
b. Kumaragupta
c. Harshavardhana
d. Kanishka
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c. Harshavardhana

8. The first Indian ruler, who established the supremacy of Indian Navy in the Arabian Sea was :

a. Rajaraja I
b. Rajendra I
c. Rajadhiraja I
d. Kulottunga I
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a. Rajaraja I

9. Which statement on the Harappan Civilisation is correct?

a. Horse sacrifice was known to them.
b. Cow was sacred to them.
c. ‘Pashupati’ was venerated by them.
d. The culture was not generally static.
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d. The culture was not generally static.

10. The First Tirthankara of the Jains was :

a. Arishtanemi
b. Parshvanath
c. Ajitanath
d. Rishabha
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d. Rishabha

11. The great silk-route to the Indians was opened by :

a. Kanishka
b. Ashoka
c. Harsha
d. Fa-Hien
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a. Kanishka

12. The rulers of which dynasty started the practice of granting tax-free villages to Brahmanas and Buddhist Monks?

a. Satavahanas
b. Mauryas
c. Guptas
d. Cholas
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a. Satavahanas

13. The most important text of vedic mathematics is :

a. Satapatha Brahman
b. Atharva Veda
c. Sulva Sutras
d. Chhandogya Upanishad
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c. Sulva Sutras

14. Yavanika or curtain was introduced in Indian theatre by which of the following?

a. Shakas
b. Parthians
c. Greeks
d. Kushans
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c. Greeks

15. Who started the Saka Era which is still used by the Government of India?

a. Kanishka
b. Vikramaditya
c. Samudra Gupta
d. Asoka
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a. Kanishka

16. What inspired the paintings of Ajanta ?

a. Compassionate Buddha
b. Radha-Krishan Leela
c. Jain Thirthankaras
d. Mahabharata encounters
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a. Compassionate Buddha

17. Who among the following was the first to invade India ?

a. Xerxes
b. Alexander
c. Darius-I
d. Seleucus
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c. Darius-I

18. Which among the following is the oldest dynasty ?

a. Maurya
b. Gupta
c. Kushan
d. Kanva
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a. Maurya

19. With which of the following is the classic “Jivaka Chintamani” in Tamil associated ?

a. Jainism
b. Buddhism
c. Hinduism
d. Christianity
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a. Jainism

20. Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

a. Rajgir
b. Bodh Gaya
c. Sarnath
d. Kushinagar
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d. Kushinagar

21. Who were the first kings to issue gold coins in India?

a. Mauryas
b. Indo-Greeks
c. Guptas
d. Kushans
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b. Indo-Greeks

22. Where is Brihadeshwar Temple situated ?

a. Kanchi
b. Madurai
c. Shri Shailan
d. Tanjore
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d. Tanjore

23. In Tamil literature the glorious books ‘Shilppadikaram and Manimekhalai’ are related to

a. Jainism
b. Buddhism
c. Hindusim
d. Christianity
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b. Buddhism

24. Who established Mahabalipuram?

a. Pallava
b. Pandya
c. Chola
d. Chalukya
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a. Pallava

25. The Saka era commencing from A.D. 78, was founded by

a. Kanishka
b. Asoka
c. Chandragupta
d. Vikramaditya
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a. Kanishka

26. Ganhadra school of art came into existence in

a. Hinayana sect
b. Mahayana sect
c. Vaishnava sect
d. Shaiva sect
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b. Mahayana sect

27. Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development ?

a. The Pottery
b. Seals
c. The boats
d. The houses
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b. Seals

28. Who, according to the Buddhists, is believed to be the next incarnation of Gautam Buddha ?

a. Atreya
b. Maitreya
c. Maitreya
d. Kalki
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b. Maitreya

29. Who among the following were contemporaries of Kanishka ?

a. Kamban, Banabhatta, Asvagosha
b. Nagarjuna, Asvagosha, Vasumitra
c. Asvagosha, Kalidasa, Banabhatta
d. Kalidasa, Kamban, Va-sumitra
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b. Nagarjuna, Asvagosha, Vasumitra

30. Which rulers built the Ellora temples?

a. Chalukya
b. Sunga
c. Rashtrakuta
d. Pallava
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c. Rashtrakuta

31. Who amongst the following also had the name ‘Devanama Piyadassi’?

a. Mauryan King Ashoka
b. Mauryan King Chandra-gupta Maurya
c. Gautam Buddha
d. Bhagwan Mahavira
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a. Mauryan King Ashoka

32. The subject-matter of Ajanta Paintings pertains to

a. Jainism
b. Buddhism
c. Vaishnavism
d. Shaivism
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b. Buddhism

33. Which of the following Craftsmanship was not practised by the Aryans ?

a. Pottery
b. Jewellery
c. Carpentry
d. Blacksmith
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d. Blacksmith

34. Mohammed-bin-Qasim conquered Sind in the year

a. 712 A.D.
b. 812 A.D.
c. 912 A.D.
d. 1012 A.D.
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a. 712 A.D.

35. The words “Satyameva Jayate” in the State Emblem of India were taken from

a. Upanishads
b. Sama Veda
c. Rig Veda
d. Ramayana
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a. Upanishads

36. The earliest city discovered in India was

a. Harappa
b. Punjab
c. Mohenjo Daro
d. Sindh
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a. Harappa

37. The famous rock-cut temple of Kailasa is at

a. Ajanta
b. Badami
c. Mahabalipuram
d. Ellora
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d. Ellora

38. Epigraphy means

a. The study of coins
b. The study of inscriptions
c. The study of epics
d. The study of geography
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b. The study of inscriptions

39. Which among the following has not been found in the excavation of Harappan sites ?

a. Drains and well
b. Fort
c. Reservoirs
d. Temple with Shikhar
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d. Temple with Shikhar

40. Which among the following ‘MATH’ is related with Buddhism?

a. Dakhma
b. Chaitya
c. Khangah
d. Angeri
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b. Chaitya

41. Where has the world’s largest monolithic statue of Buddha been installed ?

a. Bamiyan
b. Hyderabad
c. Kandy
d. Lhasa
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a. Bamiyan

42. The Harappan Civilisation was discovered in the year :

a. 1935
b. 1942
c. 1901
d. 1922
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d. 1922

43. The title ‘Indian Napolean’ has been attached to

a. Chandra Gupta Maurya
b. Samudragupta
c. Chandragupta-I
d. Harshavardhana
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b. Samudragupta

44. The ‘Ajivikas’ were a

a. sect contemporary to the Buddha
b. breakaway branch of the Buddhists
c. sect founded by Charvaka
d. sect founded by Shankaracharya
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a. sect contemporary to the Buddha

45. The organic relationship between the ancient culture of the indus Valley and Hinduism of today is proved by the worship of

a. Pashupati, Indra and the Mother Goddess
b. Stones, trees and animals
c. Vishnu and Lakshmi
d. Siva and Sakti
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b. Stones, trees and animals

46. How was Burma (now Myanmar) known to ancient Indians ?

a. Malayamandalam
b. Yavadwipa
c. Suvarnabhumi
d. Suvarnadwipa
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c. Suvarnabhumi

47. With whom is ‘Junagarh Rock Inscription’ associated ?

a. Rudradaman
b. Bimbisara
c. Chandragupta II
d. Gautamiputra Satakarni
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a. Rudradaman

48. Nalanda University was a great centre of learning, especially in

a. Buddhism
b. Jainism
c. Vaishnavism
d. Tantra
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a. Buddhism

49. The Rathas of Mahabalipuram was built during the reign of the

a. Palas
b. Cholas
c. Rashtrakutas
d. Pallavas
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d. Pallavas

50. Who is hailed as the “God of Medicine” by the practitioners of Ayurveda ?

a. Susruta
b. Chyavana
c. Dhanwantari
d. Charaka
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c. Dhanwantari

51. Which was the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard?

a. Lothal
b. Kalibangan
c. Harappa
d. Mohenjo Daro
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a. Lothal

52. Which dynasty succeeded the Chalukyas in the Western India?

a. Cholas
b. Kakatiyas
c. Pallavas
d. Rashtrakutas
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d. Rashtrakutas

53. Upto where did Chandragupta Maurya’s empire extend in the north-west ?

a. Ravi river
b. Indus river
c. Satluj river
d. Hindukush range
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b. Indus river

54. Prince Ellara conquered Sri Lanka in the second century BC. With which of the following dynasties of Dravida ruler was he associated ?

a. Chera
b. Chola
c. Pandya
d. Pallava
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b. Chola

55. Harshavardhana organised his religious assembly at

a. Mathura
b. Prayag
c. Varanasi
d. Tamralipt
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b. Prayag

56. Which of the following domesticated animals was absent in the terracottas of the Indus civilisation ?

a. Buffalo
b. Sheep
c. Cow
d. Pig
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c. Cow

57. Which among the following is the sacred book of the Buddhists ?

a. Upanishad
b. Vedas
c. Tripitaka
d. Jatakas
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c. Tripitaka

58. The greatest development in the Kushana period was in the field of

a. religion
b. art
c. literature
d. architecture
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b. art

59. Who was the first known Gupta ruler ?

a. Sri Gupta
b. Chandragupta I
c. Ghatotkacha
d. Kumaragupta I
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a. Sri Gupta

60. Which was the only Indus city without a citadel ?

a. Kalibangan
b. Harappa
c. Mohenjodaro
d. Chanhudaro
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d. Chanhudaro

61. Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at

a. Pataliputra
b. Magadha
c. Kalinga
d. Sarnath
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a. Pataliputra

62. The tutor of Alexander, the Great was

a. Darius
b. Cyrus
c. Socrates
d. Aristotle
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d. Aristotle

63. Which of the following literary works belongs to classical Sanskrit literature?

a. Dhammapada
b. Vedas
c. Meghadutam
d. Dighanikaya
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c. Meghadutam

64. Who propounded the ‘Eight-Fold Path’ for the end of misery of mankind ?

a. Mahavir
b. Gautam Buddha
c. Adi Shankaracharya
d. Kabir
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b. Gautam Buddha

65. The number system ‘Zero’ was invented by

a. Ramanujam
b. Aryabhatta
c. Patanjali
d. An unknown person
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b. Aryabhatta

66. ‘Charak’ was the famous court physician of

a. Harsha
b. Chandra Gupta Maurya
c. Ashoka
d. Kanishka
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d. Kanishka

67. Buddhism made an important impact by allowing two sections of society into its fold. They were

a. Merchants and Priests
b. Moneylenders and Slaves
c. Warriors and Traders
d. Women and Sudras
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d. Women and Sudras

68. The language used to write source materials in ancient time was

a. Sanskrit
b. Pali
c. Brahmi
d. Kharosthi
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b. Pali

69. India’s trade with the Roman Empire came to an end with the invasion of Rome by the

a. Arabs
b. Hungarians
c. Hunas
d. Turks
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c. Hunas

70. Most of the chola temples were dedicated to

a. Ganesh
b. Shiva
c. Durga
d. Vishnu
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b. Shiva

71. ‘Bull’ in Buddhism is associated with which event of Buddha’s life ?

a. Birth
b. Great departure
c. Enlightenment
d. Enlightenment
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a. Birth

72. Which of the following would be the most accurate description of the Mauryan Monarchy under Ashoka ?

a. Enlightened despotism
b. Centralised autocracy
c. Oriental despotism
d. Guided democracy
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a. Enlightened despotism

73. The illustrious names of Aryabhatta and Varahamihir are associated with the age of the

a. Guptas
b. Kushanas
c. Mauryas
d. Palas
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a. Guptas

74. Lothal is a site where dockyards of which of the following civilization were found ?

a. Indus Valley
b. Mesoptamian
c. Egyptian
d. Persian
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a. Indus Valley

75. ‘Buddha’ means

a. The Enlightened one
b. The Religious Preacher
c. The Genius
d. The Powerful
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a. The Enlightened one

76. Where do you find the temple of Angkor Wat ?

a. In Thailand
b. In Malaysia
c. In Cambodia
d. In Myanmar
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c. In Cambodia

77. Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription ?

a. Chandra Gupta Maurya
b. Samudra Gupta
c. Vikramaditya
d. Skand Gupta
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b. Samudra Gupta

78. The essential feature of the Indus Valley Civilisation was

a. worship of forces of nature
b. organised city life
c. pastoral farming
d. caste society
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b. organised city life

79. Name the capital of the Pallavas

a. Kanchi
b. Vatapi
c. Trichnapalli
d. Mahabalipuram
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a. Kanchi

80. The word ‘Veda’ means

a. knowledge
b. wisdom
c. skill
d. power
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a. knowledge

81. Which metal was first used by the Vedic people ?

a. Silver
b. Gold
c. Iron
d. Copper
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d. Copper

82. Arabs were defeated in 738 A.D. by

a. Pratiharas
b. Rashtrakutas
c. Palas
d. Chalukyas
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d. Chalukyas

83. In Mauryan dynasty Kalinga war took place in the year—

a. 260 BC
b. 261 BC
c. 126 BC
d. 126 BC
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b. 261 BC

84. The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora are

a. Hindu and Buddhist
b. Buddhist and Jain
c. Hindu and Jain
d. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
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d. Hindu, Buddhist and Jain

85. The Seven Pagodas of Mahabalipuram are a witness to the art patronised by the

a. Pallavas
b. Pandyas
c. Cholas
d. Cheras
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a. Pallavas

86. Name the clan Buddha belonged to

a. Gnathrika
b. Maurya
c. Sakya
d. Kuru
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c. Sakya

87. Who was the author of the Kadambari, a great romantic play ?

a. Banabhatta
b. Harshavardhana
c. Baskaravardhana
d. Bindusara
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a. Banabhatta

88. During which Gupta King’s reign did the Chinese traveller Fa-hien visit India ?

a. Chandra Gupta I
b. Samudra Gupta
c. Chandra Gupta II
d. Kumara Gupta
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c. Chandra Gupta II

89. St. Thomas is said to have come to India to propagate Christianity during the reign of the

a. Cheras
b. Parthians
c. Pandyas
d. Cholas
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b. Parthians

90. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of

a. Pucca bricks
b. Stone
c. Wood
d. All of the above
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a. Pucca bricks

91. Who started the Saka Era and when ?

a. Kadphises in 58 BC
b. Rudradaman I in AD 78
c. Vikramaditya in 58 BC
d. Kanishka in AD 78
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d. Kanishka in AD 78

92. In which state was the Nalanda University located in India?

a. Bengal
b. Bihar
c. Orissa
d. Uttar Pradesh
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b. Bihar

93. Which event brought about a profound change in Ashoka’s administrative policy?

a. The third Buddhist Council
b. The Kalinga War
c. His embracing of Buddhism
d. His sending of missionary to Ceylon
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b. The Kalinga War

94. The monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism was

a. Vishnu Gupta
b. Upagupta
c. Brahma Gupta
d. Brihadratha
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b. Upagupta

95. Harshvardhana was defeated by

a. Prabhakaravardhana
b. Pulakesin II
c. Narasimhasvarma Pallava
d. Sasanka
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b. Pulakesin II

96. Which of the following statements about the Guptas is NOT true ?

a. They ruled mainly over parts of north and central India
b. Kingship was hereditary and the throne always went to the eldest son
c. The judicial system was far more developed than in earlier times
d. Land taxes increased and taxes on trade and commerce decreased
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b. Kingship was hereditary and the throne always went to the eldest son

97. Which of the following was NOT composed by Harshavadhana?

a. Harshacharita
b. Ratnavali
c. Priyadarshika
d. Nagananda
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a. Harshacharita

98. Which of the following is not one of the animals carved on the Sarnath Pillar ?

a. Humped Bull
b. Deer
c. Elephant
d. Horse
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b. Deer

99. The ‘Kannauj assembly’ organised by Harsha was held in honour of

a. Fa-Hien
b. Itsing
c. Hieun-Tsang
d. Megasthenes
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c. Hieun-Tsang

100. The first metal used by man was

a. Aluminium
b. Copper
c. Iron
d. Silver
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b. Copper

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