What is SEO? Learn more about Search Engine Optimization

Nowadays we all know what Google search engine is but very few people know what SEO or Search Engine Optimization is. So this blog will be a complete SEO guide for them. Because throughout this blog we will discuss Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Also at the end you will know more, how to learn SEO, what it takes to learn SEO, how many days it takes to learn SEO and how to earn through SEO.

What is SEO? (What is Search Engine Optimization?)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or SEO (SEO) is some of the rules of the search engine that if followed or applied, the search engine considers the desired website important to the search engine and ranks it.

When we search by writing something in any search engine including Google, the page that comes in the search result is called SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). The main function of SEO is to show the desired website first in SERPs.

SEO focuses on the relevance of content and the technical aspects of the website so that various content ranks in Google or search engines and increases website traffic. SEO can be of different types. For example: Technical SEO, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, E-commerce SEO etc.

What is On Page SEO?

When search engine optimization is done by targeting a search engine it is called on page SEO. For example, you can use on-page SEO to increase visitors to your blog page or an e-commerce website.

I have known for a long time, what is on page SEO. Don’t know what off page SEO is.

What is Off Page SEO?

Off page SEO is the optimization of the website using search engine optimization. In simpler terms, off page SEO is increasing organic traffic to a website through link building.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a process that meets the technical requirements of a website using search engine optimization to get organic ranking.

Why is SEO necessary?

  • SEO is a more effective method than social media because it allows your target audience to find your content very easily.
  • A large audience can be reached in a short period of time without any paid marketing.
  • Website traffic can be increased without any paid promotion.
  • Helps to make the business profitable for a long time.

How does SEO work? What does SEO do?

Links: The most powerful SEO technique is link building. Linking from one website to another increases your SEO rank. That is, if a person comes to your website as a visitor and clicks on another link mentioned by you, then it becomes off page SEO. The higher ranking websites links are mentioned in the text, the higher the pages are in the search engines.

Complete Guide to SEO MOZ
Complete Guide to SEO (Image source: MOZ)

Content: In terms of SEO, content usually refers to blogs. If your blog is keyword rich then traffic can be brought to the website very easily. And keyword research is such an important and essential part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), where popular and highly searched keywords and key phrases are found in search engines.

Page Structure: This process optimizes any page of a website to get more traffic or visitors. We use webpage and HTML source code to optimize it. This is called on-page SEO. This includes the internal workings of the website such as: meta title, URL setup, meta description, image optimization, internal linking, site speed, webmaster tool submission, analytics setup etc.

The Complete Guide to SEO: How to Get Started with SEO

Many of us know a lot about SEO but not many people know how to work with it Let’s learn how SEO works!

Set goals SEO

It will save you a lot of time if you have a plan at the beginning of SEO. Things to keep in mind:

  • Increase Organic Traffic: You can easily analyze the organic traffic of your website by using Google Analytics. Avoid adding low quality and unnecessary pages to the site.
  • Lead Generation for Startups: Lead generation is a data gathering process. That is, collecting information about targeted companies or individuals for the purpose of promoting or selling a service or product. The information is usually email, name, address, phone number etc.
  • Building Brand Awareness: Social media plays a very effective role in increasing brand awareness. Because people first get to know about online brands through social media. And SEO acts as the fuel of social media. SEO optimization is a great way to not only reach your audience but also interact with them for a long time and it also plays an effective role in increasing sales.
  • Increase Sales: Many brands or companies are marketing on social media. And so it is somewhat difficult to present your company or brand to the customers in the crowd of so many competitors. But if you can use SEO properly then you can increase sales very easily.
  • Improving customer service: Nowadays all e-commerce sites have customer service for customers before and after purchasing the product or service. According to 74% of marketers, marketing to specific customer tastes and needs increases customer engagement. As a result, the company’s average sales can increase up to 20%. So when you do separate SEO marketing for the majority of customers, your e-commerce site will quickly move towards success.

Keyword research

The right keywords deliver your content precisely to its target audience. The very first step to optimize any article in search engines is keyword research. By doing this, traffic and visitors will come to the site quickly. There are 3 important rules for using keywords. They are:

  • When marketing your content you need to find target keywords by analyzing the audience. Your keywords should be similar to the target audience.
  • Not only the audience, but also depending on the product, brand and service, the right keywords should be used. Remember, not all popular keywords are compatible with all products.
  • The more popular a keyword is, the harder it is to rank for. Because many people use the same keywords in their content. As a result, it is necessary to maintain good quality and use keywords wisely.

Content planning

First, note down the keywords in conjunction with the content. The better and more authentic your keywords are, the higher it will rank in search engines. Whatever topic you blog about, check other websites blogs on that topic. See how they are using keywords.

By regularly uploading SEO based quality content on your website, Google will consider you credible and recommend you to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Give readers informational content that they actually want to read rather than stuffing it with extra keywords. Things to keep in mind in this regard:

  • Use keywords naturally in your writing. So that it does not seem to have been forced here. Also, make sure that readers can easily enjoy your writing.
  • First, write the content yourself. Then put keywords as per convenience.
  • You can read articles from top ranked websites in Google. Then you will understand why their writings are so high.
  • Optimize your content to suit both readers and search engines. In that case you can use structured data markup.

SEO Technical Optimization

Using search engine optimization through technical optimization using various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. can bring more visitors and traffic from a website. It is good way to get SEO organic ranking. Among these elements to focus on are:

  • Title Tag: Title tag is used to give title to HTML page. This tab is the header above all. Its proper use will make your content SEO friendly.
  • Meta Description: Meta description is not a ranking indicator. So there is no need for unnecessary keyword stuffing. Your click-through rate (CTR) ranking signal. So make the meta description specific
  • As the meta description looks like
    As the meta description looks like
  • Heading and sub-heading: Write the heading and sub-heading specifically. This will increase the click rate.
  • Page Loading Speed: If your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, the audience is more likely to get impatient and leave your website. So this should be taken care of.
  • Mobile Friendly: Mobile friendly websites easily rank higher in search engines.

SEO Backlinks

Backlinks are an important part of off page SEO. Because through this you can take your blog or website to a much better rank in search engines. The more backlinks your website has, the better your blog’s domain authority will be. And the better the domain authority, the faster your articles will rank in Google. This means that your website’s URL link refers to another website. This way you will get an external link from that website to your website. Among these backlinks, Google bots provide links to your website. As a result, Google’s trust in your website increases and gradually the website’s Google search ranking improves.

Income of an SEO Expert

The amount of SEO income depends on what type of SEO you are doing or for which company. Usually an SEO Expert with 2-3 years of experience earns an average of 50 thousand rupees to more than 1 lakh rupees per month. Because an experienced SEO Expert is worth more in the marketplace.

A few popular tools of SEO that need to be learned

Website speed, indexing or any kind of technical issue affects organic search. There are SEO tools to control these.

Software or tools to learn to use for SEO-

For keyword research and backlinks:

Keyword research is the method through which the words or terms that people search more in Google or various search engines are researched and those words are used in the content to rank the content. Tools to learn to use for keyword research and backlinks –

For Website Audit:

A website audit is a method of determining whether a page is performing well or not. Through website auditing, it can be determined whether the website is getting proper traffic or not and what steps should be taken to increase its performance. Tools to use for SEO Audit should be learned-

  • Screaming Frog
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Pagespeed Insights.

You can also use various Chrome Extensions, such as: SEOquake, Detailed SEO Extension, Keyword Surfer.

Inquire about downloading or purchasing SEO tools


Ahrefs‘ Keywords Explorer can measure the popularity of any search query and help discover numerous relevant keywords. Moreover it is used to analyze the link profile, keyword ranking of the website. You can also use Ahrefs to conduct keyword research for Google, YouTube, and Amazon if you want.

Ahref has a freemium (free+premium) model, i.e. both free and paid versions. The monthly cost of the paid model can range from $99 to $999.

Advantages of Ahref:

  • Learn about SEO.
  • You can provide keyword search.
  • Can do organic traffic analysis.

Disadvantages of Ahref:

  • The cost is high.


Ubersuggest is an easy-to-use tool to increase traffic. It can also filter keyword results based on specific data. In this case it filters keywords based on popularity and competition, not limited to Google Suggest or AdWords.

Ubersuggest also has a freemium model (free + premium). Paid versions can cost anywhere from $12 to $40 per month.

Advantages of Ubersuggest:

  • Free to use.
  • Gives fresh new keyword ideas.
  • Using location based data.
  • Gives quick results.
  • User friendly.

Disadvantages of Ubersuggest:

  • Target market limitation.
  • No mobile app.


SEMrush is used for large keyword or phrase research. It does not only keyword research but also website auditing.

SEMrush can cost anywhere from $119 to $449 per month.

Advantages of SEMrush:

  • Easy to use.
  • Extracts keywords similar to the content.
  • Organic search data is available.
  • User friendly.
  • There is a 30-day free trial.

Disadvantages of SEMrush:

  • Only Google data is available from SEMrush.
  • One can only use one account.

How long does it take to learn SEO?

It totally depends on how much time and effort you put into learning SEO. But it usually takes no more than 6 months to learn the basics of SEO. But learning both theoretical and practical subjects may take more time.

Some Popular Search Engine Optimization Techniques

While there are many techniques for SEO optimization, some techniques are more popular and effective. They are:

Keyword research

You can find your target audience through keyword research. That is, when you analyze the audience to find target keywords for your content marketing. The first step of SEO is keyword research.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a type of marketing strategy that informs customers about products through various content such as blogs, videos, podcasts, etc. As a result, customers are interested in the product and the website gets regular traffic. Simply put, marketing through content is content marketing. Different types of content can be used for content marketing. For example: Video Content, Media Content, Blog, Infographics etc.

Backlink creation

When a website’s content or post links to your website, the chances of getting visitors to your website from that website increases manifold. This is called backlink. This way, when someone else publishes a link to your site in one of their website’s content, your site ranks in Google and visitors also increase. There is no substitute for increasing backlinks to increase the importance and acceptance of a site. Backlinks are earned by writing articles on blog sites and commenting on blogs.

On page optimization

If you want to get more traffic or visitors from Google and other search engines, you must understand about On Page Optimization. Because it means creating SEO friendly articles. Webpage and HTML source code is used to optimize.

Apart from these, site architect optimization and semantic mark up are also used in SEO optimization.

Search Engine Optimization related Queries (FAQs):

How does SEO work?

Google uses more than 200 ranking factors. Search engine algorithms rank websites based on the relevance of the page’s content.

How long does it take to get ranking after starting SEO?

SEO doesn’t bring change overnight. The first few months took a while to update the site. Depending on the website, it usually takes 3-9 months for new rankings to appear.

Should I continue SEO after getting good rankings?

Achieving the ranking is half the battle. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. So the ranking may not be the same one day, the next day. Retaining the current ranking is a lot like getting a new ranking. Constant research, updates and tests are necessary to keep your URLs on top. Stopping SEO after achieving rankings is therefore unwise and may even result in you losing rankings.

What is the reason for the decrease in organic traffic to my website?

There can be various reasons for the decrease in organic traffic. If your website’s organic traffic suddenly drops, check if the noindex tag was accidentally added to the website. Sometimes developers forget this.   Moreover, malware can cause your site to be removed from SERPs. This can happen if Google thinks your site is harmful to users. Google’s algorithm updates can cause your site to move down in rankings, resulting in a gradual decline in traffic over time.

How to learn SEO?

Knowing SEO is essential to get your website on the first row of search engines or to make a career as a digital marketer. You will get a good idea about SEO by watching SEO tutorials through various blogs and YouTube videos. Besides, there are SEO Courses on various online learning platforms, through which you can easily learn SEO strategies and earn from SEO! So don’t delay and learn SEO today by watching SEO Tutorial.

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