Our fight for survival in the age of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

We are now entering a new era of industrial revolution. The word Artificial Intelligence has now become a topic of discussion in all areas. Industrial revolution is a big change. A radical change in the traditional methods. There have been three industrial revolutions in the world so far. The first Industrial Revolution took place in England, lasting from 1760-1840. It was the first time that radical changes in traditional agriculture, industry, and trade took place. The era of machine development started from then. The person who brought about this very important change was James Watt. This highly talented mechanical engineer discovered a new thing while testing a machine powered by the scientist Newcomen’s steam engine. He showed how impossible it is possible to capture steam in a container and use that steam pressure. James Watt is called the inventor of the steam engine for this important invention. It was from that time that steam power was harnessed. Device means with which more obstacles can be overcome with less force. Steam helped overcome those obstacles more easily. Coal and steel were also rapidly used later. Communication system improved. People like George Stevenson came forward, railways spread across vast areas, steamers on the Thames, ships started to ply. The industrial revolution reached beyond England to other countries. This is how the biggest change in the traditional world happened.

Electricity Consumption

Then came the second industrial revolution around 1870. The biggest phenomenon of this period is the consumption of electricity. People have seen the power of steam before, this time comes electricity. Life became much easier. News was sent from one place to another quickly. The world became enlightened. Production system, communication system reached more speed.

Great Depression

But then there was a terrible war in the world. Different countries are engaged in war based on showing power, colonial rule, market capture. Two world wars took place on earth. The war ended with heavy losses, bloodshed and chaos. Then the Great Depression period is going on. As a result, the rate of progress in science and technology stopped for a long time. But one day a new industrial revolution came. In 1969 came the Internet. It is called digital industrial revolution. Its main place is a huge and unimaginable success in the world of information technology. Storage of information, exchange, exchange of ideas, expression of ideas has just come revolution. That is, a wonderful world has come to hand. Knowledge practice became very easy. With this opportunity to acquire knowledge readily available, human progress became very fast. A new term emerged — “quick learning”, a competitive market of who can learn how fast.

Industrial Revolution

After these three industrial revolutions, another industrial revolution is coming, which will be the fourth industrial revolution. This industrial revolution is bringing the age of robots; Artificial intelligence is coming. That is, the use of robots as an alternative to human resources. The issue has already been discussed at the World Economic Forum. Topics like cloud computing, internet of things, AI were discussed. There is no doubt that AI is a breakthrough scientific construct. AI can recognize by listening to speech or looking at data, it can learn new things very quickly, it can plan, identify and solve problems. As a result, what people can do by looking at data, AI can do that too. In the future, AI will be more advanced, then its efficiency will be more than human. This is how AI can be an alternative to human resources. Those who are already running Chat GPT or Bard Google AI, surely can catch this aspect. Driving a bit myself as needed, I too can appreciate its devastating power. AI did not appear suddenly, as Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, said in 2015. He was seeing the possibility of a new world at that time, where several new, interesting things will come, such as – Robotics, AI, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Internet of Things etc. The following year i.e. in 2016 this was discussed in the city of San Francisco. Needless to say, their predictions have come true today. The story of the rise of robots, which was written in the pages of science fiction for so long, is no longer a fantasy; That era has come down the path of reality today. Science and technology can never be stopped, nor should it be stopped, if it is stopped it must be rolled back. So the extreme reality is that we have to accept it and move on. But if the robot wins as an alternative to human resources, it is not harmful to people! The answer is that many people are initially affected by large-scale changes. When the industrial revolution brought about the use of advanced machinery, many cottage industries disappeared. Many villagers lost their jobs and flocked to the city in search of work. Handwork can never compete with machines, not even at that time. But later there was employment on a large scale. In other words, at first it is like a strong storm, then after handling the storm, people move forward again. But then what is our responsibility at this time! The answer is – a lot of responsibility. Since we have to live with the machine, the first duty is never to think of the machine as an enemy. Because, even if I don’t like it, the machine will remain, it will do its job.

The second thing is to continue to develop knowledge and skills in one’s field. Because quick learning has grown at a great rate around the world and will continue to grow. So it is very important to maintain the competition. Common traditional, one-way tasks will be outsourced to automation. Learning to use modern technology is very important. In this modern world of technology it is impossible to exclude it.

Thirdly, keep your creativity. Where is the chatbot going wrong, where is it lacking, where is it not telling; These should be looked at and thought of. And creativity will bring new inventions, new thoughts, new curiosity. Remember, what is old but AI already knows. He does not know, only new ideas, new thoughts, new thoughts. So there is no alternative to practicing creativity. Robots are a real threat to those who want to follow traditional, traditional lines, who have no curiosity to step into new fields, who are reluctant to explore new worlds.

Now is the time to get ready. But not all generations get the opportunity to see such a time. This is a turning point in the world of science and technology. So I don’t quarrel with the machine, but I think of moving forward with friendship.

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