Physical Geography Part-I Quick Study Episode- 01

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1. On which of the following planets water cycle is available ?

a. Jupiter
b. Earth
c. Mars
d. Venus
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b. Earth

2. The asteroids revolve round the Sun in between :

a. Earth and Mars
b. Mars and Jupiter
c. Jupiter and Saturn
d. Saturn and Uranus
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b. Mars and Jupiter

3. Which of the following is called the twin of the earth ?

a. Neptune
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Saturn
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b. Venus

4. Which amidst the following planets has its orbit closest to Sun ?

a. Venus
b. Mars
c. Jupiter
d. Uranus
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a. Venus

5. The light from the Sun reaches the Earth in about—

a. 8 seconds
b. 8 minutes
c. 10 seconds
d. 10 minutes
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b. 8 minutes

6. The surface temperature of the sun is estimated as

a. 6000 °C
b. 12000 °C
c. 18000 °C
d. 24000 °C
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a. 6000 °C

7. Which one of the following planets has no moon?

a. Mars
b. Neptune
c. Mercury
d. Pluto
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c. Mercury

8. Which one of the following is called a red planet ?

a. Venus
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Jupiter
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c. Mars

9. Brightest planet in our solar system is

a. Venus
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Jupiter
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a. Venus

10. The Milky Way Galaxy was first observed by

a. Galileo
b. Maarten Schmidt
c. Marconi
d. Newton
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a. Galileo

11. Which of the following statements is correct ?

a. Pluto is not a Planet now
b. Pluto was discoverd by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930
c. Pluto has been given the number 134340
d. All of the above
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d. All of the above

12. Which is the hottest planet in the Solar System ?

a. Jupiter
b. Saturn
c. Venus
d. Uranus
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c. Venus

13. The largest planet in our solar system is

a. Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Saturn
d. Mercury
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b. Jupiter

14. The four largest planets of the Solar System in decreasing size are

a. Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus
b. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune
c. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
d. Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune
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c. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

15. The number of staellites of the planet is Mercury is

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 16
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a. 0

16. Which of the following does not belong to the solar system?

a. Asteroids
b. Comets
c. Planets
d. Nebulae
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d. Nebulae

17. Which is the coldest among the following ?

a. Mars
b. Earth
c. Pluto
d. Mercury
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c. Pluto

18. The moon is showing its same face to the earth because

a. It is not rotating about its own axis
b. Its rotation and revolution are opposite
c. Its periods of rotation and revolution are the same
d. Its rotation is faster than its revolution
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c. Its periods of rotation and revolution are the same

19. Among the following, the celestial body farthest from the Earth is

a. Saturn
b. Uranus
c. Neptune
d. Pluto
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c. Neptune

20. Pulsars are

a. stars moving towards the Earth
b. stars moving away from Earth
c. rapidly spinning stars
d. high temperature stars
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c. rapidly spinning stars

21. Biggest planet of solar system is

a. Earth
b. Mars
c. Saturn
d. Jupiter
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d. Jupiter

22. Which is the second nearest star to the Earth after the Sun?

a. Vega
b. Sirius
c. Proxima Centauri
d. Alpha Centauri
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c. Proxima Centauri

23. The outermost layer of the Sun is called

a. Chromosphere
b. Photosphere
c. Corona
d. Lithosphere
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c. Corona

24. Which planet is called evening star?

a. Mars
b. Mercury
c. Venus
d. Jupiter
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c. Venus

25. The planet revolving east to west is

a. Venus
b. Uranus
c. Neptune
d. Pluto
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a. Venus

26. The planet emitting green light is

a. Jupiter
b. Venus
c. Uranus
d. Neptune
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c. Uranus

27. The number of zodiacs is

a. 10
b. 12
c. 13
d. 11
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b. 12

28. Which of the following is known as the Morning Star?

a. Saturn
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Venus
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d. Venus

29. Which planet orbits closest to the earth?

a. Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Venus
d. Mercury
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c. Venus

30. Solar energy is received by the earth through

a. conduction
b. radiation
c. convection
d. refraction
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b. radiation

31. The planets on either side of the Earth are

a. Mars and Jupiter
b. Mercury and Venus
c. Venus and Saturn
d. Mars and Venus
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d. Mars and Venus

32. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky ?

a. Jupiter
b. Saturn
c. Mars
d. Mercury
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c. Mars

33. Isohels are the isopleths of

a. sunshine
b. flowering time
c. rain
d. clouds
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a. sunshine

34. Which one of the following is the largest planet ?

a. Jupiter
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Uranus
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a. Jupiter

35. The mass of Jupiter is approximately

a. one tenth of the solar mass
b. one thousandth of the solar mass
c. one hundredth of the solar mass
d. half the solar mass
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b. one thousandth of the solar mass

36. The planet nearest to the Sun is :

a. Earth
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Venus
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b. Mercury

37. The planet that takes 88 days to make one revolution of the sun is :

a. Mercury
b. Saturn
c. Jupiter
d. Mars
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a. Mercury

38. ‘Super nova’ is

a. a comet
b. an asteroid
c. an exploding Star
d. a black hole
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c. an exploding Star

39. Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth ?

a. Mercury
b. Mars
c. Venus
d. Pluto
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c. Venus

40. Which of the following is called “Blue Planet” ?

a. Saturn
b. Earth
c. Jupiter
d. Mars
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b. Earth

41. Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth ?

a. Mercury
b. Mars
c. Venus
d. Pluto
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c. Venus

42. Which planets do not have satellites revolving around them ?

a. Mars and Venus
b. Mercury and Venus
c. Mars and Mercury
d. Neptune and Pluto
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b. Mercury and Venus

43. The planet which has the highest surface temperature is

a. Jupiter
b. Earth
c. Pluto
d. Venus
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d. Venus

44. Light from the Sun reaches us in nearly

a. 8 min
b. 2 min
c. 6 min
d. 4 min
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a. 8 min

45. A spinning neutron star is known as

a. White dwarf
b. Black hole
c. Pulsar
d. Quasar
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c. Pulsar

46. When the moon completely covers the sun, it is known as

a. the Antumbra
b. the Umbra
c. the Penumbra
d. None of these
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b. the Umbra

47. The darkest portion of the shadow cast during an eclipse is

a. Corona
b. Umbra
c. Penumbra
d. Black hole
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b. Umbra

48. The total number of planets revolving around the sun is

a. Five
b. Eight
c. Seven
d. Six
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b. Eight

49. In a solar or lunar eclipse, the region of earth’s shadow is divided into

a. Five parts
b. Four parts
c. Two parts
d. Three parts
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d. Three parts

50. Day and Night are equal at the

a. Prime Meridian
b. Antarctic
c. Poles
d. Eqator
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d. Eqator

51. Name the first Asian country to Orbit Mars.

a. Japan
b. Pakistan
c. China
d. India
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d. India

52. Which of the following Scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical?

a. Kepler
b. Galileo
c. Newton
d. Copernicus
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a. Kepler

53. Which of the following is an alternative theory to the Big Bang theory developed in 1948, stating that the universe does not change even though it is expanding over time ?

a. Oscillating Universe
b. Steady State Universe
c. Mirror Universe
d. Eternal Inflation
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b. Steady State Universe

54. The constellation ‘Sapta Rishi’ is known to Westerners as the

a. Seven Monks
b. Alpha Centauri
c. Big Dipper
d. Small Bear
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c. Big Dipper

55. Which of these is a dwarf planet?

a. Neptune
b. Titan
c. Eris
d. Hydra
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c. Eris

56. Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle because

a. they emit light of a constant intensity
b. their distance from the earth does not change with time
c. they are very far away from the earth resulting in decrease in intensity of light
d. they are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable
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d. they are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable

57. The outermost layer of sun is called

a. Lithosphere
b. Chromosphere
c. Photosphere
d. Corona
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d. Corona

58. On which date is India likely to experience the shortest day?

a. December 22
b. March 21
c. June 22
d. September 23
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a. December 22

59. When does solar eclipse take place ?

a. When the sun is between the moon and earth
b. When the earth is between the moon and sun
c. When the moon is between the sun and earth
d. When the moon does not lie on the line joining the sun and earth
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c. When the moon is between the sun and earth

60. When does the sun shine vertically on the Equator ?

a. Throughout the year
b. For six months
c. Twice a year
d. Once a year
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c. Twice a year

61. If a star is bigger than Sun, but not more than twice as big, it will turn into a _______.

a. Pulsar
b. Maxima
c. Avenger
d. Discover
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a. Pulsar

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