Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link, Know How to Link Aadhaar Card with Voter Card through App!

At present Aadhaar card is said to be the most important card in the country. This Aadhaar card has the highest value as a KYC document and misuse of this card through duplication is almost impossible as citizens’ information such as fingerprints, eyeballs etc. are secured in this Aadhaar card.

However, voting is not possible through Aadhaar card, from withdrawing rations to taking loans or withdrawing money. Possession of your voter card is mandatory for voting. So in one word it can be understood that how important is voter card in India, the largest democratic country.

The Election Commission has urged citizens to link their Aadhaar card with their voter ID so that there is no duplication of these voter cards and the election process can be conducted as smoothly as possible.

Purpose of Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link:

In a democratic country the fate of the people, the government and ultimately the country is determined by this voting process, but many a times we have seen that multiple fake voter cards or dead person’s voter cards are used during the elections and unfortunately in many cases it is possible to understand during the voting process. No, which directly affects the election count.

So the decision to link voter card with Aadhaar card is definitely an important step taken by the Election Commission to bring transparency in the electoral process.

Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link

You can link Aadhaar card with your Voter ID either online from the official portal or app or through a phone call or SMS.

Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link App

You can easily link Aadhaar card with voter card in just 2-3 minutes through the app.

Follow the steps below to link:

  • You have to go to Google Play Store and search for ‘Voter Helpline‘ and install and open the app.
  • voter-helpline-app
  • After opening the app, first you need to create an account with any mobile number and through OTP verification. Then login with that number and again through OTP verification.
  • After login you will see all services from where you have to click on ‘Voter Registration’.
  • voter-helpline-registration
  • Scroll down the voter registration page and you will find ‘Form 6B’ where ‘Aadhaar Number Submission’ is written, click on it. It is through this form that you have to link the Aadhaar number with the voter card.
  • voter-registration-form-6b
  • Here first you will be asked whether you have voter ID or not, so since you are adding Aadhaar card with voter card it can be assumed that you must have voter ID so check ‘I have voter ID number’ and click on ‘Next’ will be
  • voter-helpline-id-number
  • Then enter your voter ID and select the state below and click on ‘Fetch details’. If the ID is correct then the voter list record will be found and then a message below will show that ‘We have found this record for your enter Voter ID’. You then need to click on ‘Proceed’. But note that voter ID is not the same for all, if there is a ‘/’ in between the numbers then you have to enter the whole like ‘WB/98/765/530100’.
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  • On the next page you will see all the details of the voter, where you can only check and you have to click on ‘Next’.
  • This page is important because on this page you can correct all the information related to your voter card like spelling of name, other information etc. and below you can also add mobile number, which will be verified through OTP. Besides, you have to enter the Aadhaar number below and click on ‘Done’.
  • voter-helpline-enter-adhaar-number
  • Then you will get a page showing all the information where you will get a chance to check each information, then you have to click on ‘Confirm’.
  • Then on the ‘Thank You’ page you will be given a reference ID with which you can later check the status.

Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link through Portal

You can also do this from the voter portal. Follow the below procedure to link from voter portal:

  • You need to go to the official voter portal and login. If you have not created an account, you can easily create an account by completing mobile number verification and captcha.
  • After login you have to click on ‘Fill Form 6B’ under ‘Aadhaar collection’ on home page.
  • voter-adhaar-link-form6b
  • Then a popup message will open where you have to enter your Voter ID and click on ‘Verify & Fill Form’.
  • voters-portal-epic-number


  • If you get any ‘Alert’ message that ‘User does not have Epic No. in his/her profile’ then you have to go to ‘Edit Profile’ by clicking on the user’s name at the top right.
  • Your profile will open and you can see what information is there. You have to click on ‘Edit’ next to the name.
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  • After that you can ‘Save’ by entering voter card number, mobile number and email.
  • voters-portal-edit-profile
  • After re-login and click on ‘Form 6B’ your voter card number will be asked, enter it and click on ‘Verify & Fill Form’.
  • You will then reach the main form page where some of your information will be pre-filled and you will have to match them and click ‘Next’.
  • voters-portal-election-commission-india-form6b
  • Through this form you can add Aadhaar number, mobile number and email id. After that you have to click on ‘Preview and Submit’.
  • Then you will get a ‘Congrats’ popup message with the reference number and by clicking on ‘Download Acknowledgment’ you can download your filled form.
  • election-commission-of-india-form6b

Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link through SMS

You can also link Aadhaar card with voter card through SMS. Follow the steps below to link:

  • You have to enter ‘ECILINK <Voter Number> <Aadhaar Number>’, eg ‘ECILINK GVK9876543 098765432100’.
  • Then send SMS to 166 or 51969.

Voter Card Aadhaar Card Link through phone call

Call centers have been arranged by the government for the convenience of voter services. You can also link Aadhaar card with voter card by calling on weekdays between 10 am and 5 pm.

  • You need to call 1950 and provide other details including Voter ID and Aadhaar number.

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