Prime Minister Narendra Modi Meditates At Vivekananda Rock Memorial

The Prime Minister, aiming to win her third term, reached Kanyakumari on Thursday evening and is likely to leave for Delhi on June 1.

The first scene of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's meditation at Kanyakumari showed the BJP leader in a samadhi in front of the statue of philosopher-saint Swami Vivekananda.

PM Narendra Modi will meditate at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial till Saturday evening.

The Prime Minister is meditating at Dhyan Mandapam, the place where Swami Vivekananda meditated in 1892 to get a clear vision of India's future.

It is the confluence of the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea and BJP leaders say the Kanyakumari election sends a message of national unity.

The party released a picture of the leader meditating at the memorial today.