What is computer? How many types of computers?

In this era of modern information technology, computer is our daily work companion. From sending e-mails to browsing the Internet, playing games, watching movies, studying, learning, or any office work is done with the help of this device.

Who invented the computer? – Although many people know the answer to this question, “What are the types of computers?” – Maybe not many people know that. So I will discuss it throughout the beginning of this blog. What is a computer? Starting with – the discussion will proceed with what this device is used for. And also at the end, what is a computer network and how many types of network? Detailed answers to these questions.

So let’s know at the beginning, what is the computer and who is called?

What is a computer? / What is a computer called?

The word computer is derived from the Latin word ‘Computare’. According to many scientists, the word comes from the Greek word ‘Compute’. In Bengali these two words mean to calculate or count. The dictionary meaning of the word (Computer) is a calculating device.

In simple terms, (Computer) is an electronic device, which can solve various mathematical and compound problems very quickly and accurately. Although initially invented as ancient calculating machines, today’s modern computers can perform a variety of different tasks in addition to calculations.

Who invented the computer?

Although computing started in 3000 BC, it was scientist Charles Babbage who gave the first idea to build a computer. He made the first mechanical computer in 1882. Based on his design, later modern computers were made. So Charles Babbage is called the father of computer.

Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
World’s first fully electronic computer, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

When did the journey of the computer begin?

Scientist Charles Babbage invented the first computer in 1882, but the first generation computers were built between 1942 and 1966. But those devices were so big that a huge room was needed to keep them. The world’s first fully electronic computer was built in 1943, which was named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer).

What are the uses of computers?

What are the uses of computers Once you start writing, you may not finish. Although this device began to be used primarily as a calculator, to solve complex mathematical problems. However, there is currently no work that does not use it.

So let’s now know what are the uses, which you don’t need to know –

In education

Everyone may have realized how important computers are in education during the Kovid-19 pandemic. From primary schools to schools, colleges, universities, almost all educational institutions have use. From school-college and university online classes and exams, making assignments and presentations to college and university admission applications, all these tasks are now unimaginable without the help of this device.

Computers in medicine
What are the uses of computers in the medical field?

In the medical field

Computerized diagnostic systems are currently used to diagnose any disease in the medical field. From ECG, ultrasonograph, X-ray, CT scan to laparoscopic surgery, treatment and diagnosis for non-operative gallstone removal, this device is needed.

In research

This instrument is an essential tool for scientific research or any research work in modern times. Because it can be used to collect data for research, store data and perform complex calculations very quickly. Computers contribute a lot to important research and data storage in the field of science.

In entertainment

There is no alternative to using a computer for entertainment. Playing video games, watching movies or creating animations and special effects cannot be done without this device.

How many types of computers and what are they?

Based on structure and features, computers are of three types:

  • Analog Computer
  • Digital Computer
  • Hybrid Computer

Analog Computer

An analog computer is a computer used to process analog data such as physical measurements, measurement of gaseous or liquid properties, voltage of electrical wires, air flow and pressure changes, etc.

Characteristics of Analog Computer

  • It is made of more than one chip.
  • They are less flexible and slower
  • Stores data in physical quantities
  • Performs calculations with measurements
  • Used to measure physical quantities, voltage rise in electrical wires, pressure variation of gas or liquid inside pipes etc.

Digital Computer

Simply put, a computer that performs calculations using the binary system (0 and 1) is called a digital computer. Digital computers can perform calculations and logical operations at high speed. These types of devices are designed with memory disks and input and output units for high speed data processing. Desktops, mobiles, laptops and smart phones are all examples of digital computers.

Features of Digital Computer

  • Complies with 0’s and 1’s in binary system
  • It accepts all types of data as input through binary 0’s and 1’s
  • It consists of three parts: input, processing and output
  • Works based on number processing
  • Accuracy of work is very high (100 %)
  • The results in the work are displayed directly on the monitor or output to some other output device.

Difference between Analog Computer and Digital Computer

Analog Computer Digital Computer
Time-varying data or analog electrical signals are constructed based on time. Processing works by collecting data in a binary manner, i.e. depending on the presence of 0’s and 1’s.
Analog signals are used. Digital signals are used.
Works on the principles of physics. It works according to the rules of mathematics.
It is a measuring system. It is essentially a numerical system.
Generally cannot be used for other purposes. Generally can be used for various purposes.
The results obtained after data processing and calculation are usually displayed on meters, oscilloscopes etc. The results obtained after data processing and calculation are usually displayed on the monitor.
The precision of the results is low. The precision of the results is very high.

Hybrid Computer

A device that combines the best features of analog and digital computers is called a hybrid computer. It is also commonly used in scientific research. Hybrid computers have both analog and digital features. It can operate as fast as analog on the one hand, and as accurately as digital on the other. Put more simply, a hybrid computer is a partial combination of analog and digital computers.

What are the types of computers?
What are the types of computers?

What are the types of digital computers?

There are 4 types of digital computers based on size and usage. Namely:-

  • Super Computer
  • Mainframe Computer
  • Mini Computer
  • Micro Computer

Super Computer

Super computer is the biggest and fastest. They are designed to process large amounts of data. A Super Computer can process trillions of instructions a second. It consists of thousands of interconnected processors.

Supercomputers are particularly used in scientific and engineering applications, such as weather forecasting, scientific simulation, and nuclear energy research.

Features of Super Computer

  • Can handle large amounts of calculations.
  • Able to process information quickly
  • Processing speed is up to 100 Million instructions per second (MIPS).
  • Microprocessor chips with 64 bits or more are used
  • There are a large number of processing units
  • A large collection of RAM type memory units
  • High speed interconnection between nodes
  • High input/output system speed
  • Use of custom software
  • Effective thermal management
  • Can do a lot of calculations in a short time, because they have the highest data storage capacity
  • There are many processors, so multiple tasks can be done simultaneously

Example of Super Computer

  • SUPER-SX11Titan
  • Tianhe-I
  • Tianhe-2
  • Jaguar
  • CRAY-1
  • CYBER-205
  • IBM Sequoia
  • IBM Roadrunner
  • SUPER-SX11

Mainframe Computer

High-performance computers used for large-scale computing purposes are called mainframe computers, also known as big irons in the technology world. This type of computer is used in big organizations like banking and telecom sector. However, this mainframe computer is relatively less powerful than the Super Computer.

Features of Mainframe Computer

  • Able to work quickly
  • It has high end processor and software for fast working
  • Along with multiple network connections, memory support and disk storage
  • The industrial grade hardware and software used in it can run for 20 years without failure
  • There are security features, which match the security features of a bank
  • Using Mainframe Computer for big business transactions in any big organization and center

Examples of Mainframe Computers

  • IBM-4300
  • CYBER-170
  • IBM-4342

Difference Between Super Computer and Mainframe Computer

Super Computer Mainframe Computer
Supercomputers are used for fast and large-scale mathematical calculations. Mainframe Computer acts as a server and stores huge databases.
Supercomputers can execute billions of floating point operations in seconds. Mainframe Computers can process millions of instructions simultaneously.
Super Computer is the world’s largest computer. Mainframe computer is big computer but slightly smaller than super computer.
Super Computer is the most expensive in the world. Mainframe Computer is expensive but less than Super Computer.
Modern supercomputers include derivative variants of the Linux operating system. Mainframe Computers have the ability to run multiple operating systems.

Mini Computer

Bigger than microcomputer and smaller than mainframe computer are called mini computer. Medium-sized multiprocessing computers consist of two or more processors, which can be used by up to about 200 people simultaneously. Such devices are used for tasks such as billing, accounting and inventory management.

Features of Mini Computer

  • Small in size and less work capacity
  • A number of dumb terminals are connected
  • Multiple people can work together
  • It is actually a miniature version of Mainframe Computer
  • Used in banks, industrial establishments, hospitals, large garment factories and multinational companies.

Example of Mini Computer

  • IBM S/34
  • IBM S/36

Micro Computer

Micro computer is also known as personal computer. This type of computer is designed for personal use or general purpose use. Laptops and desktops used in various tasks of our daily life are examples of Micro Computers. From creating assignments or presentations, they are commonly used for watching movies and office work. This Micro Computer is currently the most used.

Features of Micro Computer

  • Made of miniature micro processor chips
  • A main microprocessor consists of main memory, auxiliary memory, input and output devices
  • Only one person can work on it at the same time
  • Actually it is the miniature version of Mini Computer
  • Used in educational institutions, office-courts, personal use, sports and entertainment
  • Currently there are different types of Micro Computers. For example: desktop, notebook or laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.

Example of Micro Computer

  • IBM PC,
  • HP PC,
How many types of microcomputer and what is it?
How many types of microcomputer and what is it?

How many types of microcomputer and what is it?

Micro Computer is again of two types

  • Desktop
  • Laptop


A desktop is a type of personal computer, which can be used for daily work usually on a desk or table. Not only for personal use but also used in offices and educational institutions.


A laptop is a portable personal computer that can be folded like a book. Laptops are used for various purposes including work, study and personal entertainment.

Difference Between Laptop and Desktop

Laptop Desktop
The laptop can be used anywhere. To be used on a desktop desk or table.
Light in weight and easy to carry. Not easy to carry as the weight is relatively heavy.
Electricity consumption is relatively low. Relatively high power consumption.
It runs for several hours with the help of batteries without being connected directly to the mains. There is no battery as a backup for electricity.
The price is relatively high. The price is relatively low.
Touchpad can be used instead of mouse. A touchpad cannot be used instead of a mouse.
Many parts cannot be upgraded. Many parts can be upgraded.
relatively short lived. Last longer.
The desktop heats up less than that. Gets hotter than a laptop.
If damaged, it cannot be easily repaired. If damaged, it can be easily fixed.

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