What is Facebook Marketing? Learn the ins and outs of Facebook Marketing

Thinking how to pass the time during the lockdown, Prapa started a small business of scented candles. Although the first two-one orders came in, the number gradually went down But his girlfriend Pritha’s poster business is very successful. When Prapa asked how this small business of Pritha’s has lost all the big competitors and still survives in the online market, Pritha said with a mischievous smile, “It’s all about Facebook marketing!” If you want to get your business or any work in front of more people, there is no match for Facebook marketing.

From paid ads to organic posts in this marketing system, you can promote your brand and ensure more product sales. So let’s move on to today’s main discussion: What is Facebook Marketing?

What is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook marketing is a process that helps you to inform Facebook users about your product or service. Facebook marketing serves as a communication medium for businesses to maintain contact with current and potential customers and to retain the interest of page visitors. Its main function is to provide information about the product through advertisement, so that people from different parts of the world can know about that product or site.

About 1.5 billion people visit Facebook at least once every day. And every month this number stands at 2.3 billion. There are over 7 million active companies creating ads for this huge audience. These numbers show how important Facebook marketing is. Over the past decade, Facebook has grown from the largest social media platform in the Internet world to the largest marketplace and established as the most trusted place for business promotion.

You can use Facebook’s micro-targeting features to deliver your product ads to the right target visitors based on gender, age, location, occupation or interests.

Advantages of Facebook Marketing:

Specific targets:

You may already know that Facebook allows its users to conduct in-depth audience research.

With demographic targeting, you can select any type of audience, including a specific income, education level, life event, relationship status, or job. You can even learn about customers from their interests such as their preferred entertainment, sports, hobbies and shopping habits.

Increase website traffic:

With the help of this platform you can direct the audience to visit your page or website. People who visit your website as a result of Facebook marketing will come here more knowledgeable than organic users because they learned about your product through your ads.

So you have more credibility in their mind. So encourage your followers to visit your website to know more about your products Also, if the website you link to has an image, Facebook uses it to create a large cover photo. So use an attractive image on your website home page or any page you link to. This will attract the attention of many users and help increase website traffic.

Different types of ad formats:

Currently Facebook Ad is the best and most effective weapon of digital marketing. Creating attractive ads is necessary to reach the target customers at a very low cost. And in Facebook marketing you will find various advertisement formats like image, carousel, poll, video, slideshow.

Customer Support:

In any business, your job is to assist the customer during the sale of the product, before and after the sale. Once a customer buys something from you, they cannot be disconnected but must always be connected online. Because you want to sell your product more and more often. And that’s why you need to keep regular contact with the customer.

You can easily answer customers’ questions even when you are not online from the automated response option in Facebook’s Creator Studio. Moreover, by creating a chatbot, you can prepare answers based on the regular questions asked by the users. Let’s say you sort several answers with keywords such as price, delivery charge, payment option, etc

If these keywords are among the questions of the customers, then the answers to their questions will be sent automatically. Your chatbot will talk to the customer by simulating a real conversation. As a result, your work will be greatly reduced and you can focus on other aspects of your business.

What are the types of Facebook marketing?

Facebook marketing doesn’t have to be a lot of trouble. First of all you need a Facebook page. You can also work from your personal ID if you want, but you will not get the benefits of Business Page.

There are two types of Facebook marketing, free and paid. You can choose any Facebook marketing package according to your business type.

Free Facebook Marketing:

With Free Facebook Marketing you can attract customers using different ad formats. It is very easy to do this marketing for free. First, open a Facebook page according to your product or service type. Then customize the page with your company name, profile picture, cover photo and description. At the end of the page setup, highlight the product you want to market in an attractive way in your post. Then you can send invitations to everyone you know to follow your page. Then share the post you made on various social media. If you want, you can also ask your friends to share. In this way, it is possible to campaign to a large number of people without any money Apart from this, you can also join groups compatible with your service and run campaigns there. Some more free marketing ideas:

  • Creating live videos and events.
  • Webinars are available to match the service.
  • Going to industry or networking events.
  • Organizing social media content and giveaways.
  • Customer referral program launched.

Paid Facebook Marketing:

Paid Facebook marketing is done by delivering product ads to your target audience very quickly by boosting your page in exchange for money.

In this marketing, your post will have sponsored text. Although once big companies used this paid marketing, nowadays all small and big business organizations can use this marketing to inform the target audience about their products and services in detail. The advantage is that you can reach your ad to the target audience by region, gender or age. Like you want all women above 20 in Mirpur to see your post. Although this work cannot be done with free Facebook marketing, you can do it very easily with paid marketing. Pages and posts can be presented on Facebook to specified customers in the form of advertisements by paying certain amounts to Facebook authorities for a certain period of time.

Free Facebook Marketing vs Paid Facebook Marketing

One of the other benefits of Facebook is that you can also market your products and services. With organic marketing you don’t need to spend any extra money either. Using search engine optimization or SEO well can get your posts ranked at the front. Because if your post contains the right keywords and answers to all the questions asked by customers, then you can do good marketing organically.

We already know that Facebook marketing includes free and paid marketing. Both are good, but small businesses should use the free service and larger organizations should use the paid service for marketing. Paid Facebook marketing posts have “Sponsored” written on them. And you can often see this in your newsfeed. Free marketing also has good performance, but cannot reach as many people as paid. But like all other things, these two types of marketing have their pros and cons. What are they? Let’s find out!

Free Facebook Marketing
Advantage Disadvantage
Increases brand awareness. Cannot target users through organic posts.
The more interesting your posts are organically, the easier it will be for your followers to remember you. Users must always follow you to see your posts.
Where paid marketing doesn’t reach, free marketing will. Sometimes your post may not appear in front of users even if you just follow. In that case, you have to search the name of the page again and again.
You can start conversations with customers through organic posts. Can’t target specific category of people.
Paid Facebook Marketing
Advantage Disadvantage
You can choose different post formats. Money is likely to fail if it does not work as intended.
Users can target and divide into various categories. Spend a lot of time on analytics.
You can increase your sales according to the budget. Conversion rates may decrease.
Can increase revenue. Reach may not always come as expected.

Different Strategies of Paid Facebook Marketing

Image Advertisement:

Image Advertisement

Image ads should be straightforward and attractive. If you are completely new to the Facebook marketing sector, it will be easy for you to start with image marketing. And if you boost the post with just a few clicks, half the work is done

Video Advertisement:

Video Advertisement

With video ads you can show a working or demo of your product or service. These ads can be seen in users’ newsfeeds and stories. It’s supposed to be film footage, but it’s not. You can also use some animation if you want.

Poll Advertisement:

Poll Advertisement

This type of format is only available in Facebook’s mobile app. This is an interactive post. Here the preferences of customers are known by selecting two or more options. At the end of the vote, it will also be seen which option people have selected more.

Carousel Advertisement:

Carousel Advertisement

With Carousel Ads you can promote your product using up to 10 images or videos. By using this format, you can highlight the benefits of a product, or post about how individual products work. A separate link like “shop now” can also be added to each image or video.

Slideshow Advertisement:

Slideshow Advertisement

With Slideshow you can easily create short videos using images, text or video clips. It will take you five times less time to create a slideshow ad than other videos. You can also use background music if you want.

Collection Advertisement:

Collection Advertisement

This paid ad can only be viewed on mobile phones. Add five of your videos or images to it and create a quick clickable add. Customers can easily buy your product through this add.

Lead Advertisement:

Lead Advertisement

It is also only visible on mobile devices. With this add you will get contact information of users without any hassle! This service is mainly used for newsletter subscriptions, signing up for a trial and test drives.

Dynamic Advertisement:

Dynamic Advertisement

Dynamic ads will show customers’ favorite products in their newsfeed. Suppose you go to a website and select several items to buy. But you exited the website without placing the order. Dynamic Ads will then continue to show those product posts in your newsfeed. This will encourage you to buy those products again. That is, its job is to encourage potential customers to buy the product.

Messenger Advertisement:

Messenger Advertisement

With Messenger Add you can reach almost 1.3 billion active Messenger users. Adding a click-to-Messenger” option to the ad will send the message directly to your page and you can talk to the customer right there.

Story Advertisement:

Story Advertisement

Story ads will only look good on mobile phones as they will be full screen. These types of ads are very popular these days.

Why Learn Facebook Marketing:

From acquiring new customers to building better brand awareness, Facebook marketing helps many small businesses grow online these days. Want to learn more about why you should learn Facebook Marketing? Let’s find out!

  • Your customers spend a significant amount of their day on Facebook.
  • Effective platform for targeting targeted audience.
  • Add can be done at low cost.
  • It increases brand awareness quickly and is budget friendly.
  • Increases website traffic, revenue, sales and leads.
  • Increases website visitors and traffic.
  • Helps build email list of customers.
  • SEO can increase rankings by increasing blog traffic.
  • Works better than organic marketing.
  • The more people the product can reach, the more sales can be generated.

Facebook Marketing Tips for Beginners:

Nowadays everyone is turning towards this Facebook marketing to promote their services. You can easily learn marketing hacks by keeping a few things in mind!

Select the correct time:

Not all of us spend 24 hours a day on Facebook. Also don’t cut your audience. So first find out when people stay on Facebook longer. You can also analyze your past posts to find out when people are most active online. If you want, you can check the response you get by posting during both peak time and non-peak time.

Promote your Facebook page on other social media:

Do not sit idly by with empty posts. Promote your content on other channels as well. Focus on driving traffic to the page so that potential customers know about your page. If you are doing email marketing, you can add a Facebook button to each campaign. By doing this, users can easily click on the link and see the post directly.

If you are an Instagram user, you can add Facebook page link in your bio. If you have a blog, you can also give the Facebook link there.

Using the correct URL:

Although it may not seem like a very important step, URLs serve as partial marketing. If the brand name is given in your URL then it is easily noticed by the users. People can easily remember you if you share this link through any other medium. And it will look professional too. But the most important thing is that if your URL contains the right keywords, it will also boost your SEO strategy.

Add a CTA button:

Calls to action (CTA) are an important part of your marketing. This one thing can make the difference between your product selling and not. This is basically the part of your ad, social media or web page that helps your audience know about the next step. With this technique you can increase conversions, boost engagement and increase traffic to any page. Choose the right CTA keeping in mind the main purpose of your page. For example: “Contact Us,” “Sign up,” “Book now,” “Shop now,” “Follow,” “Call now,” etc. Click on “+Add a Button” at the bottom of the cover page to add a CTA.

Customer support via Facebook Messenger bot

You may not always be online. Or maybe you didn’t check the page message for several hours due to some problem. Now will you make your customers wait so long? So that customers don’t have to wait long for answers to their queries, there are Facebook Messenger bots. It is a chat interface that can be used to provide information that customers can ask in advance. You can easily share information, perform various tasks, etc. through it. It seems you are talking to a man! But actually it is not! For this you just need to create answers to the questions according to the keywords. The rest of the work will be done by the bot itself.

Use the Facebook Pixel

With this analytical tool you can see the insight activities of the visitors. In addition to this, we will get detailed reports on what exactly these visitors are doing on our website, which products they like more and which age consumers are buying which products – through Facebook Pixel. It is also possible to create targeted ads for future campaigns. You can also measure the performance of your ads with Facebook Pixel. It will be reported automatically after users buy something.

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