World History Part-II Quick Study Episode- 15

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1. The chief advocate of Fascism was :

a. Mussolini
b. Adolf Hitler
c. St. Simon
d. Robert Owen
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a. Mussolini

2. Whose teachings inspired the French Revolution?

a. Locke
b. Rousseau
c. Hegel
d. Plato
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b. Rousseau

3. Which two countries were involved in a Hundred Years War ?

a. Turkey and Austria
b. England and France
c. Palestine and Israel
d. Germany and Russia
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b. England and France

4. Waterloo is located in

a. England
b. France
c. Spain
d. Belgium
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d. Belgium

5. Who is known as the “Lady with the Lamp” ?

a. Joan of Arc
b. Helen Keller
c. Florence Nightingale
d. Sarojini Naidu
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c. Florence Nightingale

6. ‘Anti Semitism’ to Adolf Hitler meant

a. Anti Black policy
b. Anti Jewish policy
c. Anti Protestant policy
d. Anti German policy
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b. Anti Jewish policy

7. In Greek mythology, Apollo is the god of what ?

a. Prophecy
b. Medicine
c. Love
d. Peace
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a. Prophecy

8. Who is the Duchess of Cornwall ?

a. Diana
b. Camilla
c. Anne
d. Margaret
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b. Camilla

9. The ideology of fascism developed in

a. Germany
b. Japan
c. Italy
d. Russia
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c. Italy

10. Who among the following is referred to as ‘Desert Fox’ ?

a. Lord Wavell
b. Gen. Eisenhover
c. Gen. Rommel
d. Gen. McArthur
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c. Gen. Rommel

11. Which of the following group of thinkers influenced Fascism ?

a. Plato, Machiavelli and Herbet Spencer
b. Aristotle, St. Augustine and T.H. Green
c. Kant, Fichte, Hegel and Rosenberg
d. Karl Marx, Engels and Lenin
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c. Kant, Fichte, Hegel and Rosenberg

12. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below the Lists :
List-I (Names) a. Hobbes b. Rousseau c. Locke d. Hitler
List-II (Events) 1. French Revolution 2. Glorious Revolution 3. Execution of Charles I 4. Second World War Code :

a. a(2) b(3) c(1) d(4)
b. a(3) b(1) c(2) d(4)
c. a(1) b(4) c(3) d(2)
d. a(1) b(2) c(4) d(3)
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b. a(3) b(1) c(2) d(4)

13. The United Kingdom is a classic example of a/an

a. aristocracy
b. absolute monarchy
c. constitutional monarchy
d. polity
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c. constitutional monarchy

14. With the fall of which among the following, the French Revolution began ?

a. Bastille
b. Communes
c. Jacobin Club
d. Pillnitz
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a. Bastille

15. The island of Corsica is associated with

a. Mussolini
b. Hitler
c. Napolean Bonaparte
d. Winston Churchill
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c. Napolean Bonaparte

16. In which of the following wars, were the French completely defeated by the English ?

a. Battle of Wandiwash
b. Battle of Buxar
c. Battle of Plassey
d. Battle of Adyar
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a. Battle of Wandiwash

17. Marx belonged to

a. Germany
b. Holland
c. France
d. Britain
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a. Germany

18. The Industrial Revolution in England represented the climax of the transition from

a. slavery to feudalism
b. feudalism to capitalism
c. capitalism to socialism
d. socialism to market socialism
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b. feudalism to capitalism

19. When did the Soviet Union disintegrate into 15 independent Republics ?

a. 1990
b. 1991
c. 1992
d. 1993
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b. 1991

20. Where did the practice of ‘Shadow Cabinet’ originate ?

a. United States of America
b. Great Britain
c. Italy
d. France
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b. Great Britain

21. The Treaty of Versailles humiliated

a. Austria
b. Germany
c. England
d. France
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b. Germany

22. ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ is the call associated with

a. American Revolution
b. French Revolution
c. Chinese Revolution
d. Russian Revolution
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b. French Revolution

23. Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in

a. 1930
b. 1929
c. 1936
d. 1933
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d. 1933

24. Match the following :
I A. Fascism B. Democracy C. Nazism D. Socialism
II 1. Adolf Hitler 2. Lenin 3. Mussolini 4. Woodrow Wilson

a. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
b. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
c. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
d. A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
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c. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2

25. Name the country where the first Industrial Revolution took place :

a. America
b. Great Britain
c. Germany
d. France
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b. Great Britain

26. The Opium wars were fought between

a. Britain and China
b. Britain and India
c. India and China
d. Britain and Japan
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a. Britain and China

27. Who was the first Prime-Minister of England?

a. Oliver Cromweli
b. Benjamin Disraeli
c. Robert Walpole
d. Gladstone
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c. Robert Walpole

28. Where was St. Paul beheaded?

a. Rome
b. Ephesus
c. Kusadasi
d. Jerusalem
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a. Rome

29. The British Conservative Party was earlier known as

a. Whigs
b. Levellors
c. Fabians
d. Tories
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d. Tories

30. Who said, ‘I am the State’?

a. James II of England
b. Napoleon I of France
c. Louis XIV of France
d. Hitler of Germany
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c. Louis XIV of France

31. Karl Marx lived in exile and wrote from

a. Moscow
b. London
c. Paris
d. Stockholm
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b. London

32. Napoleon-I and the Duke of Wellington fought the famous

a. Battle of Austerlitz
b. Battle of Leipzig
c. Battle of Borodini
d. Battle of Waterloo
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d. Battle of Waterloo

33. The Cremean War was fought between

a. France and Britain
b. Russia and Turkey
c. France and Turkey
d. Britain and Turkey
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b. Russia and Turkey

34. Absolute sovereign power of the Monarch was advocated by

a. Thomas Hobbes
b. Rousseau
c. John Locke
d. Karl Marx
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a. Thomas Hobbes

35. Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. in

a. Persia
b. Babylon
c. Macedonia
d. Taxila
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b. Babylon

36. When was the first of the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of war victims adopted ?

a. 1832
b. 1857
c. 1864
d. 1909
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c. 1864

37. Which slogan was given by the French Revolution to the world ?

a. Liberty, Authority, Equality
b. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
c. Liberty, Law, Fraternity
d. Tradition, Authority, Law
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b. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

38. Who is the oldest British monarch to sit on the Throne?

a. Queen Victoria
b. Queen Elizabeth-II
c. Queen Mary Tudor
d. Queen Anne
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b. Queen Elizabeth-II

39. From which city did the Russian Revolution begin ?

a. St. Petersburg
b. Moscow
c. Kazan
d. Odessa
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a. St. Petersburg

40. Which country emerged as the biggest colonial power at the end of the nineteenth century ?

a. France
b. Spain
c. Britain
d. Germany
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c. Britain

41. Where was Christopher Columbus from ?

a. Venice
b. Genoa
c. Spain
d. Portugal
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c. Spain

42. Of the following, in which did Napoleonic France suffer final defeat?

a. Battle of Trafalgar
b. Battle of Wagram
c. Battle of Pyramids
d. Battle of Austerlitz
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a. Battle of Trafalgar

43. According to Marx, the source of value is

a. Capital
b. Land
c. Labour
d. None of the above
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c. Labour

44. “The word impossible is found in the dictionary of fools” was the famous quote of :

a. Hitler
b. Alexander the Great
c. Julius Caesar
d. Napoleon
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d. Napoleon

45. “What is the Third Estate ?” pamphlet associated with the French Revolution, was written by :

a. Marquis-Lafayette
b. Edmund Burke
c. Joseph Foulon
d. Abbe Sieyes
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d. Abbe Sieyes

46. Which of the following countries is regarded as the home of ‘Fabian Socialism’?

a. Russia
b. England
c. France
d. Italy
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b. England

47. The Crimean War came to an end by the

a. Treaty of Trianon
b. Treaty of Versailles
c. Treaty of Paris
d. Treaty of St. Germain
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c. Treaty of Paris

48. Who amongst the following was not associated with the Unification of Italy ?

a. Cavour
b. Garibaldi
c. Mussolini
d. Mazzini
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c. Mussolini

49. Who among the following played a prominent role during the “Reign of Terror” in France ?

a. Voltaire
b. Marat
c. Robespierre
d. Montesquieu
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c. Robespierre

50. Who discovered the sea route to India ?

a. Vasco-da-gama
b. Columbus
c. Magellen
d. Bartho-lomev-Dias
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a. Vasco-da-gama

51. Potato was introduced to Europe by :

a. Portuguese
b. Germans
c. Spanish
d. Dutch
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c. Spanish

52. Marxian materialism came from the idea of

a. Hegel
b. Feuerbach
c. Darwin
d. Engels
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c. Darwin

53. Napoleon got finally overthrown in the Battle of Waterloo in the year

a. 1814
b. 1813
c. 1815
d. 1816
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c. 1815

54. The Declaration of the Rights of Man is related with

a. The Russian Revolution
b. The French Revolution
c. The American War of Independence
d. The Glorious Revolution of England
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b. The French Revolution

55. The policy of ‘imperial preferences’ adopted by Britain in its colonies in 1932 is also known as the

a. Hong Kong Agreement
b. London Agreement
c. Ottawa Agreement
d. Paris Agreement
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c. Ottawa Agreement

56. Who said, “Adolf Hitler is Germany and Germany is Adolf Hitler. He who pledges himself to Hitler pledges himself to Germany” ?

a. R. Hess
b. Mussolini
c. Hitler
d. Communist International
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a. R. Hess

57. Who has called the Prime Minister Primus inter pares (first among equals) ?

a. Morely
b. Harcourt
c. Laski
d. Lowell
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a. Morely

58. The slogan of the French Revolution was

a. One nation, one leader and one flag
b. Government of the people, by the people and for the people
c. Liberty, equality and fraternity
d. None of these
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c. Liberty, equality and fraternity

59. Pablo Picasso, the famous painter was

a. French
b. Italian
c. Flemish
d. Spanish
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d. Spanish

60. 1917 is know for

a. Battle of Trafalgar
b. Battle of Waterloo
c. End of the World War I
d. The Russian Revolution
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d. The Russian Revolution

61. Who was a founder member of the Russian Populist Movement “Anarchism” ?

a. Mikhail Bakunin
b. Gorkhy
c. Leo Tolstoy
d. Turganev
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a. Mikhail Bakunin

62. Fascism believes in the application of the principle of :

a. Dictatorship
b. Democracy
c. Utilitarianism
d. Totalitarianism
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d. Totalitarianism

63. What is ‘Reformation’?

a. Rise of absolute monarchy
b. Revival of classical learnning
c. The revolt against authority of pope
d. Change in attitude of man
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c. The revolt against authority of pope

64. The National Emblem of Italy is :

a. Eagle
b. White Eagle
c. White Lily
d. Lily
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c. White Lily

65. Who advocated Nazism in Germany ?

a. Fedrick William IV
b. Adolf Hitler
c. Bismark
d. William III
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b. Adolf Hitler

66. The fall of Bastille is associated with the

a. Russian Revolution of November, 1917
b. French Revolution of 1789
c. American War of Independence
d. Greek War of Independence
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b. French Revolution of 1789

67. John Locke profounded :

a. Social Contract Theory
b. Theory of Divine Rights
c. Patriarchal Theory
d. Theory of Force
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a. Social Contract Theory

68. The Greek viewed “politics” on the basis of :

a. Both ethical and legalistic terms
b. Ethical terms
c. Terms of power
d. Legalistic terms
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b. Ethical terms

69. French revolution broke out in the year :

a. 1917
b. 1911
c. 1789
d. 1790
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c. 1789

70. Wall Street collapse led to ____

a. World War II
b. Recession
c. U.S. attack on Iraq
d. Great Depression
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d. Great Depression

71. The ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, which influenced the Indian National Movement, was taken from ___

a. American Revolution
b. Russian Revolution
c. Chinese revolution
d. French revolution
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d. French revolution

72. Where was Pablo Picasso from?

a. Spain
b. Italy
c. France
d. Great Briton
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a. Spain

73. “The Three Emperors’ League”, 1873 was also known as

a. Dreikaiserbund Treaty
b. Triple Alliance
c. Reinsurance Treaty
d. The Dual Alliance
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a. Dreikaiserbund Treaty

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